Part 7 rescue at sunrise

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The Door broke down. And a mass of black glue rushed to the Guards.
The Screams where short. AS the black Mass bonded With His Partner Eddy Brock.
Mei stood by the beaten Vampire and asked him where Dracula was.
He didnt respond Re Just laughed before He lost conscioussness.
Mei grabbed her sword which lei besides the Vampire.
Mei asked Brock what are they gonna do now. Brock said: we will of course Fight Dracula. The only Problem is we cant Use His weaknes, the sun because we dont know how much time it is. Mei responed that they should Then First find a way Out of her. As they Ran through the coridors they found some of Meis soildiers. One said: miss raiden! Thank god you are ok. Mei assured that she will get all of them Out of Here.
Brock asked the soldier If He knew where they are. The solider Said: while we where under Attack i lost my ground Fell over and i couldnt See anything. But after some Minutes i regained my consciousness and i saw that we where being dragged into one of the larger caves. Mei thanked him and Told him to stay put. Mei and Brock proceeded further into the cave until they came across a large hall and there He was.
Dracula drinking His wine on top a throne.

Mei asked Brock how we will be Able to defeat him.
Eddy Brock in His venom Form Said that He will Attack him head on and you will Strike from behind and end him.
Mei agreed and unsheeted her katana.

Brock charged into the room and Dracula was shocked.
"How did you escape?!" Brock replied "do you have any Idea how many times we have been separated?"
As Dracula wanted to pierce venom With His sword venom created a hole and quickly closed it trapping Dracula.
Mei jumped from above striking Dracula.
He quickly turnded into a swarm of bats.
Mei and venom looked around. And Dracula Attack from above both evaded His Attack but If they Had been a few Seconds to late one of them would have been dead.

Venom Said that they should Attack him so that He cant think on of to counter us. Mei agreed and Swung her sword Dracula blocked it and screamed "how dare you defile me women? I am a Lord you people which where Gifted to me are my propaty." Mei Said "i honestly dont care you are Not our master we are free Here" as venom kicked Dracula into a Wall crumbling it. Before he Got a call from a man.
"Hello my friend." Dracula Said "i dont have time now" as mei and venom run towards Him "oh i know i just wanted to say" Draculas eyes whitend "that damn Bastard He tricked..." As Meis sword conetcted and let His head leave His Body.
Mei and venom where panting "is He
..." Venom Said"yeah atleast for now but If He would ever contect to His Body He would be alive..." "You damn assholes" the head shouted mei looked Puzzled. Venom asked who brought him Here. Dracula laughed "i'll never Tell you" mei Put her Hand on venom shoulder let him "i know someone who can make him Talk.
Comon lets get the others to savety."
Venom agreed grabing Draculas Body.

A few hours later mei called Kevin and expained everything
"Good Work raiden please come Back With your troops and your new friend. I'll Deal With the Public explanation"
Venom asked where we will be going now. Mei explained what she was Part of. "Kinda Like shield then OK i'll Tag along as Long as you get me Back Home asap"

Intermezzo 1
At the White void stood a figure Not many knew what to make of "her" some Saw a Young girl or a man it didnt Matter.
But as "she" looked down on both Earths and Then at her hand. She put an gold and black light into it and let it Fall on the Earths.
"Many new Herrschers shall be Born"
"The ones already there shall stay there"

Intermezzo 2
Kiana and Spiderman sat across from eachother looking at their mission.
As spidy thought about His dream about madam web.
"Peter" madam web Said "Its good to See you what happend to your universe?" Peter explained the Situation
" Oh godness can i Help you?" "I think you can could you Go to master weaver and ask him to Look around the web of destiny If any other spider Totems Had Something Like this Happening to them"
Madame web agreed.
Then Spiderman woke Up from His day dream.
"Hello?" Kiana snapped With her Fingers "sorry i thought of Something" spidy replied "Its ok could you Tell me what do you think about this" spidy looked at the Pictures
A large factory has been build over night in this worlds Sant Francisco With people in yellow nuclear protective suits.
"I think you might have another visitor besides us"
"Who" kiana asked Spiderman Said "aim"

Intermezzo 3
Robby stood on a field With doctor Tesla and Einstein.
"So how could i Help you?"
"It should arrive soon flamehead" Tesla Said. Einstein Said "please be nicer"

As a large Robot Carried by some Helis flew to them. "Thats your Mission Robby" Einstein Said
"Help us to Start this thing. You have Controlled a large Robot before right?"
"Does It have a Name?" Robby Said
"Wotan" both of the Girls replied.
"So Its finally time?" A blond women asked all three of them turned around and saw durandal. "Ah Its you. Yeah i think Its finally time"


So guys im Back my exams are done for now and i'll finally can write this Again.

Honkai x MarvelWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu