Part 2 First half "Meeting"

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(as Always i am sorry for the Bad grammar)


The Spiderman, Wolverine, Deadpool and Ghostrider have Made a Pause at a Gas Station to get some information on the Situation of that Strange Energy.
Wolverine steped into the bar:
Some of the Aliens looked at him with confusion. Wolverine ordered a glass.
And begun to ask around.
Deadpool and Spiderman stayed in their spacecraft and Ghostrider Got some fuel.

Then Spiderman Communicator rang. It was Iron Man.
He asked how the Situation is. Spiderman said, that they are still in their way. Bevor Iron man could say anything a Hand grabbed the Communicator. It was His wife Mary Jane. Spiderman was baffeld looking her. Iron man Said that this was very rude of her. MJ ignored him. Spiderman Then asked how she is doing. She Said she is doing fine and Then is he going to Return . Spiderman said that He does Not know yet. Spiderman Then asked how Miles and Ben are doing protecting their City. MJ Said they are doing OK there have been some robberys but thats old shoes for them. Both laughed. Then Tony Interrupted them Miss could i please Talk to webhead again? MJ Said yes and and went to the evelator to head to Aunt Mays Apartment. Once the Doors closed she rubbes her Belly saying: you better Return soon or ill Hit you. She giggled.

After Iron man and Spiderman ended their call Deadpool asked Spiderman how the Others Heros are. Spiderman said that they are doing OK. But i am worried, He added, how come that Just after they Beat the celestials that a completly new universe was Just there Out of thin Air. Deadpool Said Well maybe the writter of this fanficton doesnt have an explanation yet. Spiderman said for the 110 time on this Mission that hes weird. Ghostrider than entered saying that the Tank is full now they have to wait for Wolverine. They waited and waited and waited. Spiderman said you dont think he is... They looked at eachother and went immidatly into the bar. And it was normal Wolverine Just drank and Played Dart. He Said that hes sorry and they can now Go. Once they there into the space ship Wolverine mentioned that they came Just in Time. Spiderman asked him why He Said that in the Bar sad 5 Hydra agents. They looked shocked and Questioned what they should do. Wolverine Said nothing they will wait.
For now.

The Hydra agents at the bar conntacted Red Skull and asked him what they should do. He Said also Just do nothing for now except Just to follow them.

Back at the honkai Earth hours later kiana, bronya, fu Hua and Theresa stood at the suppoesed landing Side of the Ufo. Once it landed the Girls readied themself for anything that May comeout. Strangly the spacecraft looked very similar to their planes.

The Heros from the Marvel Earth opened the Door and Stepped outside to See 4 Girls Standing there. Deadpool wanted to say Something before Spiderman said exuse me, how should i say this... We come from... Earth. Kiana Said that this isnt possible this Here is Earth and there are for Sure No Guys wearing spandix here. Wolverine Then explained that on their Earth has been an Invasion of weird pink and White Monsters and According to the Energy spixes they give Of that These Monsters Must come from Here. Theresa looked at the Others in shock" oh no thats why the honkai has almost left." Ghostrider asked: honkai? Is that what you call These Things?

Tentions went down as the girls looked closer at them. That black haired Kid in the Leather Jacket looked Like a human.

They asked why are they here.

Spiderman said Like i Said come from Earth and where send of by some Colleges to investigate the Energy and maybe Stop it from spreading.

Fu hua Then questioned: yeah we Got that what we still dont know is why are other Humans outside of Earth which never heared of honkai and why are they Just now arriving. Deadpool than Said. Well to be fair we Just discovered you guys.
Bronya and kiana Then looked at eachother and asked Then they have been discovered. Spiderman said that this was some months ago. Kiana looked shocked and thought, dammit Otto what have you been hiding again.
Theresa noticed kianas distraught. And asked If they could have this discussion somewhere Else.
The Heros from Marvel looked at eachother and Said yes. They gave the coordinates to the Hyperion. As the 4 Guys went Back into their ship Theresa asked how kiana is Feeling. Kiana Said aunt could Otto have... The 4 Girls looked at eachother.
Theresa Said No surely Not No one knew about Others worlds Not even otto or... as the Girls went Back to the Hyperion themselves Otto was Sitting in His throne in the Hyperion overlooking His spacecraft. He thought. Sadly my original Plan to unite all of Schicksal against didnt plan out as intended but These new commers. These "Heros" they call themselves. Maybe they could provide the needs to finally fullfil my Life Long dream. Kallen. Kallen Kaslana sadly you died so Young. No now its Not the time to think about that as He Held His Glass of wine Up. An assistant Said " Lord overseer you have a Fall " Otto Said " No needs for formalities any longer i wont be the overseer for long. Anyway send him trough. Hello my friend May i ask why you called me? And why did you contact me in the First place?" A Red headed figure emarged on the com.
"You know exactly why. Anyhow lets Talk Business Mr. Apocalypse."

End of Part 2 First half

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