Part 5 "why... why..."

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Mei Got on the roof in an new and improved Harnisch with a smaller blade. She looked at the streets. Jumped from to roof. And looked for any sign of a disappearence. 10 PM. Nothing. One hour later still nothing. Another hour nothing Then at one in the morning she heared a scream. A women.
She quickly rushed over to the place but... She was to late... There she was No older Then her. A Young Girl With brown Hair which was stained by blood. A she tried Not to puke she looked at her... There are... Two holes at her Neck..
But that cant ... She Then quickly jumped on a roof as the Police came... She turned away and informed raven about what she saw... Not knowing the creature looked at from a distance saying master will Love her.

Raven Said that this isnt possible such honkais never appeared before. Mei than asked she Overhead a conversation between Kevin and someone that "Aliens" arrived at the Hyperion and of they could have Something To Do With that. Raven Said " clever girl. No i dont think so they are "Heros" or so they say so." Mei than asked. But what If someone Else has arrived on our World someone we dont know about." Raven looked at her " Well thats possible... Mei do you want to skip this Mission we can send someone Else" "No!" Mei said, she thought about the girl. "I cant let this Happen to anyone else" as she ended the call "my my what Happend to you? Has the "cold" Heart melted away?" Mei thought that tonight it woudlnt Happen anything Else so she went to bed and tried to sleep. Itwas an uneasy sleep.

The next morning.
She woke Up at around 10 am at went down to breakfast as she heared an elderyl couple say that another Girl has been found dead. Yes Its so sad seeing such a Young Life fade away.
Mei ate her Toast as another couple much Younger Said. That the Police didnt give any note about what exactly Had happend. The Girl Then Said that honestly she understands them why would they make a Mass Panic the Boy than said. That they should Take a boat to His parents for a couple of weeks the Girl Reluctantly agreed.
Mei thought about her plan for now. As she went to the murder Scene again.
No persons where near her so she looked at any evidence as she noticed some claw marks on the Wall.
Mei used a fire escape to get on the roof. She looked around. And looked at the blue sea.
She Then Put her Attention Back at the Situation. She looked around there was nothing.
Not even one blood stain. Or even scraps of clothing.
She sighed at looked at the other roofs. In one of them there was a Note.
*Thunder queen please meet me at...*
She read the Letter and thought Well Its Worth a try she contacted kevin to send her some Backup.

That night mei arrived at the assigned street With her Back Up. 15 World serpent soldiers she ordered them to be ON the Look Out. She Then Took Out the Note again. As she heared screams .her Backup. 5 are dead. Cut Up into many pieces she wanted to puke but was Then attacked by an shadowy figure it was quick as she gained her Ground.
She wanted to Strike her attacket With a lightling Strike but He dodged it grabber her arm Twisted it and injected her With a synringe some Kind of luiqid. Her Vision faided as she Heard another voice saying. You Idiot our Lord Said that she should be brought to him Without any harm. As her eyes closed and she Had a Long dream.

And Then she woke Up in a dark cell.
Only candles on the Floor gave her some Kind of Vision. She wasnt cuffed so she stood Up and went to the Door. As a Male voice Said from Something.
You shouldnt try that Missy. She looked and a SAW a large blond man. Bloodied beaten and With a saddend Expression.
Mei sad *who... Who are you?* The man Said *Eddy. Eddy Brock*


Miles swung trough new York. Thinking about the guns and weapons the robbers used. *They ... No No No she was dead she couldnt have build them but... No. OK First Things First call Mr. Stark and get back to MJ. As He wanted to Land on a roof and call Tony. Tony greeded him "Miles how is my Friends friend doing?"

"Im Doing fine mr. Stark... Im gonna Cut the Chase Something weird happend in China town. There was a Bank robbery and the guns they used are very similar to the honkai"
Tony couldnt believe him... He said after a few Minutes of silence get a Gun from the gun Scene and get Here asap" Miles hung Up and started swining.

Unknowingly a two dark Figures are watching him.
So the First one Said" Is your Plan going to Work?" The other figure Said that He isnt Sure. As they disappeared.

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