My head falls into my hands. "I'm just scared. I don't even know if he wants a child, but if he does, I can't give that to him." I whisper. "I hate how well you guys know me."

"You tried pushing him away before. Don't forget, I talk to him. I was there for that, anyway." I peer up, watching him grin. "How did that work out for you?" Kelly gestures to the house. "Now y'all live together, and probably sleeping together."

My eyes find Abraham as he stalks into the salon. "Damn right they are bumping uglies. Been hearing it clear as day every night." I groan. "Don't worry about it, darlin'. We're all adults here."

"I should've left you to sleep on the sidewalk." I smirk.

"Nah, you love me too much." He smiles. "So, am I hearin' this right? You can't have kids, and ya worried about your old man bein' upset by that." He shakes his head. "Daryl ain't like that. That man loves you, whether he's put that out there or not. Best believe he does. From a man's standpoint, he's worried 'bout what you seem to be scheming. Rightfully so, from the sounds of things. I don't know what happened, and I don't want to know if you don't want to tell me. It ain't my business. He's been sittin' outside the door, broodin' like someone shit in his cereal this mornin'. Been doin' that a lot lately since ya run off every day, all day long. Go talk to him, little blue. And don't ya think 'bout tellin' me not to help. I got things from here. We will ya give the best damn living room. It's the least I could do for givin' me a roof."

Sighing, I straighten up, rubbing my sweaty dirty palms along my shorts. "I just need time, Abe. But I do have to stop by and see Carl and pay a visit to someone." I spin on my heels, heading for the door leading to the outside world.

"Hey Ness?" I peer over my shoulder, "proud of you for finally telling him." Kelly crosses his arms, watching me. "He needed to know. He's tried asking me and Charlee about Owen. We didn't tell him anything. Just told him you'll tell him when and if you're ever ready." I nod, continuing on my mission.

Without a destination in mind, I find myself at the door of Father Gabriel's church

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Without a destination in mind, I find myself at the door of Father Gabriel's church. I stalk in, finding him deep into reading at the front of the room. I smirk, "Forgive me father for I am a sinner, and don't plan on changing." His head snaps up at the sound of my voice.

He straightens up at my approach, "Vanessa? What can I do for you?"

I walk over, lowering myself into the front pew. "Honestly, I don't know. I kind of just ended up here." I frown. He sits next to me, watching me. "Thank you for saving my life by the way. I kind of was an ass to you during our last conversation."

"I deserved it. I never earned your trust, and you had learned of my betrayal to you guys. But I need you to understand, I had come to realize I was only speaking of myself." I purse my lips, unsure of what to say. "Now, you had to have come here for a reason. You don't seem to be the God-fearing type."

The Woman at The End of The World. (Daryl Dixon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora