Through the glass, she managed to catch her reflection, staring back at her.

The young pilot had never really taken in her features till now, as her scarred face reflected on the glass surface. She leaned closer, running her fingers through the long scars marring her face which surprisingly enough didn't hurt, yet her mouth twisted in a scowl. Not because of how they looked, appearance was the least of her concerns at the moment, but because of how she got them.

She was going to find them, and she's going to fuck them up. Cut them, hurt them, tear them apart, limb from limb-

Footsteps pulled her out of her thoughts of bloodshed and death. Sonnie pulled away from the pod, stuffing her hands in her pockets as she walked to stand over the computer of the lab when her two best friends, her partners, entered the room. Turning to look at their faces, she managed a real smile, feeling happiness in what felt like forever "Hey"

The two couldn't even reciprocate the greeting, they doubted that through their tears they could manage any words. Instead, they threw themselves at the pilot, who accepted the hugs with a chuckle.

Kate simply watched the group from outside the lab, keeping a safe distance, feeling a bitter feeling grow in her chest. Jealousy. That's what it was, she had gotten used to the feeling long since having been robbed of the feeling of companionship and friendship. Still, she smiled, before turning on her heel to leave and give the group some space, completely unaware of the fact that a pair of eyes followed her every move.

Jumping out of the van, Kate fished her phone out of her pocket, turning it on after hours of ignoring the damn thing while making her way around the van to lean on the side under the big graffiti that usually said 'Sonnie's PREDATORS'. Though now it was invisible.

She had a concerning amount of missed calls, messages and voice recordings. She read all the messages before deleting them, then she heard the voice recordings and deleted those too. They were all from Max, demanding to know where she is and reminding her they had dinner with his parents tomorrow. As if she could forget that, he had been bitching about it for a month and of course she didn't want to see their stuck up faces either.

After deleting everything, she turned the phone off again, put it in her pocket, continuing to ignore everything else. Instead, her brain focused on Sonnie and Khanivore. She was in the unfortunate position to be the first person to try and succeed in something like this, so there was no guideline to fill in the blanks. She didn't know what Sonnie would be able to feel in her human body now, whether her normal bodily functions worked or not. The basics that she knew of she had told Ivrina and Wes, the rest was a big question mark that they would have to figure out together.

Also, what she had done was something very, very illegal. So if anyone figured it out, she was fucked. More than anyone else in this whole mess. Kate leaned her head back, resting on the cold metal of the van, closing her eyes.

If she was a sane person, she wouldn't have done this when Wes came to her for help, instead she would have turned him down immediately and focused on her job. But she couldn't pass the opportunity, ever since she had been looking into universities she knew one thing; her passion laid on bodily modifications. That has always been the case, ever since the first article of such cases came out when she was 17 years-old. Nothing extreme back then, it was a pretty minor procedure, but it left quite the impression.

Kate wanted nothing more than to invest her entire life-her entire being to this. 

And everything she had done since then was to pave the way towards her dream. She lost her dream in a way, now she had done what she had always wanted, but she was not happy-didn't allow herself to be. All she could think about was Sonnie, the life she had forced upon her and while Wes and Ivrina had reassured her that the young pilot would understand without holding a grudge, the blonde seriously doubted that.

"Are you sleeping like that?" Ivrina's voice caught her attention

"Resting my eyes" Kate said gave a small smile, turning to look at the tech who watched her with a smile of her own. There was something special about Ivrina's smile that made even Kate, who usually preferred to keep her distance, feel at ease, welcomed.

"I know I said we owe you a beer, but, we don't have any." The white haired girl came to stand next to her, "'M sorry, luv."

"Don't worry about it." Kate touched her hand gingerly for a second, pulling away to fish her phone out of her pocket checking again if she had in fact turned it off, just to be sure.

"Your boyfriend?"


"Isn't that what Max is?"

"AGH, I like not to think about his existence unless I absolutely have to."

"So, not boyfriend?"


Ivrina winced at the sound of that, pulling a laugh out of Kate, who gave her a look as if to say, 'You telling me?'. Once the laughter died down, she asked, "How is your friend doing?"

"She is fine. Or, well, she acts like it." Her dark eyes darted to the side and for a second Kate was sure she saw sadness in them. Grief for her best friend who she didn't know how to help, how to comfort....

"Would it be a bad time for me to explain some things to her?" the blonde hesitantly asked, "Nothing much, just what I told you guys."

"Actually, that's why I came to fetch you."

Kate gasped, "And here I thought you wanted to give me company."


Once in front of Sonnie, Kate felt her legs become soft like jelly, and a knot in her stomach made things even worse. The pilots' aura was overwhelmingly strong, now that she was back in her clothes and on her own two feet.

She was so cool, Kate thought.

Thankfully, she didn't get lost in her thoughts for too long, managing to actually inform the woman about everything she knew, which, again, wasn't much.

"Obviously, you will have to skip the fight next week-"


"Excuse me?"

"I'm not skipping the fight."

Wes, Ivrina and Kate looked at each other with uncertainty and then back at Sonnie, who looked as determined as ever. Her team knew that there was no changing her mind when she was like this, Kate didn't.

"Why not? Pilots do it all the time." she pressed on.

Whenever there was a fight the pilot was in control of whether they wanted to actually participate, if they didn't feel like it their team packed up and left without a question. It all depended on the pilot's feeling. So why Sonnie couldn't step down, buy them some time till they figured this out was beyond Kate's comprehension.

Sonnie simple leaned back against the table, relaxed and self-assured, taking in Kate who was getting worked up, obviously anxious. When watching her, she never really imagined how someone with such a sweet face would look with an annoyed expression. Not in an underestimating way, Sonnie had learned that no one was to be looked down upon just because she found them cute. She would be stupid if she did. But now that she saw, it was adorable.

"I'm fighting, that's final."

Oh, Kate was not going to have fun here....

"I'm gonna go to jail...."

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Sonnie when she finds out Kate is engaged: I COULD BE A BETTER BOYFRIEND THAN HIM-

Also,not me having Sonnie see Kate as a God cuz i'm that kind of bitch-

thank you very much for reading!


Fix Me Up (SONNIE'S EDGE || LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن