Movie! Kai x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge

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"Uh, Cole. What are you doing?" Kai asked, finally deciding to join us.

"I'm sitting." Cole shrugged, continuing to eat his food.

"That's my seat."

"Not today."


"Kai, Y/N asked me to sit next to her today. Don't get your panties in a twist." Cole said. I could see Lloyd trying to hold in a laugh. I could only imagine what Nya and Jay looked like.

"Y/N?" Kai asked.

"I need to talk with with about plans for our final project in music class." I shrugged. Perhaps I could get something beneficial out of this lunch day.

"Did any of the Cheerleaders get you as a date?" Jay asked.

"No. I will have you know they all asked but I declined them." Kai said, matter-of-factly. "I am waiting for the right person to be worthy enough of me."

"So Y/N, can we meet at your place after school? You're the only one of us with your own apartment and I don't feel like having my dad nag at us about music and his history as a Blacksmith." Cole asked. I saw Kai frown from the conner of my eye.

"Yeah that's fine. We should probably try and get it done as soon as possible." I agreed.

"Sweet. Um, would you be willing to make dinner?" Cole asked sheepishly.

"Sure. I'll even make my mom's chocolate cake if you want." I chuckled.

"This is gonna be awesome." He grinned. "Let me let my dad know I won't be home till later."

"If you want, you are more than welcome to stay the night. I have a spare bedroom, I can drive us to school tomorrow and drop you off after." I guarantee Kai had smoke coming out of his ears.

"What about our project." Kai said, interrupting.

"Kai, I asked you to be my partner for the history project but you said Olivia had already aske you and you said yes. R/G/N (random guys name) asked me so I agreed." I shrugged. If his face wasn't red it sure was now.

"Ooo, he's cute." Nya said, trying to get Kai riled up even more. Oh boy.

"Why him?" Kai huffed, very agitated.

"Because he was the only one left. I tried to ask you but you already had a partner, I don't know why you're getting so worked up over it." I said, raising my brow at him. He just let out a noise of defeat and started eating his food.

"You should totally bring us some food and cake tomorrow." Nya quipped.

"I second that." Lloyd said.

"I guess we will be baking for 7." I said to Cole.

"Maybe I could help?"

"Absolutely not!"


I honestly had a great time with Cole. It was easy to talk to him. I didnt have any complications when it came to trusting him. He gave me advice with Kai and I gave him advice with girls in general. We started our project and ate dinner. I made 3 cakes. I had one slice and he ate the rest of it. I don't know how, nor did I want to know how. The next day came pretty quick, we got to school pretty early and I didn't, in fact, bring cake and left overs. I left them in my lockers, leaving the food in a few thermal cups for the others with some paper bowls to use for the microwaves in the cafeteria.

Lunch came sooner than I expected. Me and Nya met at our lockers and she helped me carry the stuff. It was only two lunch boxes but the second one contained the cake so it had to be held still. We got their earlier than the others so I heated up the food for them and brought it to the table and stuck it all out. I heard a screeching noise and then a thud next to me, Kai getting into his seat. If I had to guess I'd say he ran here to beat Cole, and got into his seat roughly.

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