3. Hidden In the Sand

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"You can do spectacular illusions so, I was thinking, maybe you can put an Emperor's Coven mark on my wrist and I'll say I'm reviewing the Illusion Track. He wouldn't refuse that." I explained. "What if he asked why you aren't wearing your uniform?" She asked. "I'll 'borrow' one then," I replied with a wink. "Sure, that works. Just don't get caught." Em advised. Ed came out of the house and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "How's my little owl doing?" He asked me. "Great, I'm going to follow you to school!" I said with a cheeky smile.

"That totally doesn't sound creepy." He smiled at me. "If you wanted to say bye to Mittens, she already left." Ed let go of me and I held my staff tighter. "Oh, that sucks. She's so tired of you guys that she left 20 minutes before you. That says something." I turned around to walk in front of them. "Well, you try having a sister!" Ed yelled. "I do! I mean I think of her as one. And we get along perfectly." I told them. "Yeah well, it takes time." Em came to walk next to me.

We were close to the school and I spotted a guard in the area. They looked like they were hiding from something or someone. Kikimora was also here but she doesn't matter right now. "Bingo... Blights start doing your thing." I whispered to them. Not even a minute goes by and there is commotion everywhere. I teleported to the person in the corner. I put them into a chokehold and I back away onto the shadows of the corner. They had their hand in-between my arms and their neck but I was still able to choke them if I needed to. "You are going to stay quiet until I say otherwise. Nod your head if you understand," I told them. They nodded their head slowly. "I need your uniform," I told them. "But-" Before they can finish speaking I let go. I recognized their voice.

"Hunter? What the hell are you doing?" I asked him. He took off his mask and tried smiling. "Well, I was going to spy on Kikimora but then you attacked me." He explained. "Oh, alright. Sorry." I stepped back a bit. "It's fine, you need the uniform, still?" He gave me the mask. "Yeah, I'll give it back later. I smiled at him. He took it off and I noticed that bruises were forming on his neck where I was holding him. "Sorry for holding you so tight," I told him while he handed it to me. "It's okay, you are strong through. Do you work out?" He asked while adjusting his normal clothes. "Um... Yeah, I do." I rubbed my neck.

"You need to show me your routine sometime." He winked at me. I felt my face turn red. Thank the titan it was dark enough over here. "Yeah, whenever you like." I put the uniform on and the mask. "Wait, it looks crooked." Hunter came closer to me and fixed it for me. "Thank you." I slipped on the boots and then Hunter clipped the cloak together. (P/N) slipped in my cloak. "Okay, I got to go before this is over. See ya later!" I wave to him as I left. I found Em and Ed quickly even though there were people everywhere. "Uh-Oh," Emira whispered to Edric.

"No, it's just me guys!" I smiled. "Oh my, Titan! I thought we were done. Let's go. Before things get worse." Emira grabbed my hand and we ran away from the scene.

~Time Skip brought to you by Eda's and King's bet~

We got there and I walked into the principal's Bump's office. "Just act like you know what you're talking about," Emira advised. "Okay." I smiled at her. I show her my wrist and she drew a circle around it. I watched as an Emperor's Coven sigil appeared on my arm. "Just wait here. I'll be back." I tell her. I knock on the door and the Principal opened the door. I showed him my arm and he lets me in. "I'm here to do an investigation on the Illusion Track." I lied. "Okay, I can set you with our star student-"

"No, I recommend I'd go with Emira Blight," I told him. "Yeah, that's fine." He groaned. "Have a nice day," I said as I left the room. "Let's go." I grabbed Em's hand. "Oh, you got it?" She asked me.

In the Middle of the Night (Hunter x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن