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Liv's POV:

"Liv, my star! You're here!" Gemma called out. I was glad that we had another chance with 'Voltage' and this time it's staying in Steven's Point. Gemma began giving us a pep talk.
"Ok everyone, we have quite a few scenes to shoot today. In one scene, Adeline gets into a fight at school. She sees a kid her age planting bombs and it turns out he is the son of SkyVolt's biggest enemy."

We all ran over to the stage where we were shooting that day. Josh was pacing around, using vocal exercises and rehearsing his lines. He seemed really nervous, until he saw us. He calmed down, knowing he didn't have to do this alone. I ran over and gave him a tight hug, "Don't worry, you've got this!" I whispered to him before pulling away.

"Okay! Josh, Liv on the stage and get ready. LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!" Gemma yelled out.

Garrison- Tess, come on! We need to get the results off of this test before we do anything else. We need to get rid of this before anything bad happens to anyone.
Tess- I know but what if- what if we didn't get rid of them...
Garrison- What do you mean?
Tess- What if I kept these 'Unwanted Power's and used them for the greater good?
Garrison- Are you implying that you want to be a superhero?
Tess- Yeah... I mean, I can save the people of this town from whatever their problem may be and keep my identity a secret from the world.
Garrison- Tess that seems comple- Wait, actually... That's not such a bad idea! If I design this here, adjust... this and- add... Aha!
Tess- Woah... This suit is amazing! Let me go try it on.
Garrison- Wow, you look, wow...
Tess- The only thing left is my superhero name.
Garrison- ThunderGirl?
Tess- Nah.
Garrison- LightningBolt?
Tess- No...
Garrison- SkyVolt?
Tess- Yes! That's perfect.
Garrison- Wow, I can't believe that my best friend is a superhero and I am going to be her sidekick. But I'm staying at the base, I'm way to scared to get into a fight with someone.
Tess- Come on Garrison, let's go.

Y/n's POV:

"Care to do the honours, y/n?" Gemma asked me, in a whisper tone. I nodded VERY enthusiastically. She handed me the megaphone and I yelled, "SCENE!"
Josh and Liv were shocked at the sudden sound and Gemma seemed proud. Like I was her child, following in her footsteps. Parker simply just laughed at my actions and began to beg Gemma, "Can I PLEASE do it next time!?"

"I'm afraid not Parker!" The director responded. I laughed, seeing Parker's sad face. Gemma continued, "I would let you but... YOU TWO ARE IN THE NEXT SCENE!" What!?! Oh god. What if I forget my lines, or even worse... What if I run ou- No, don't think like that y/n. The more I think about it the more likely it is to happen...

Parker noticed my awkward standing and pushed me onto the stage. I knew which scene we were doing because it was my big fight scene. I was worried but still really excited to do it. The boy I am supposed to have the fight scene with, came onto the stage and stood beside me.

"Hey, so I guess you're the girl I have to fight then?" He said. I smiled at him and introduced myself, "Well, I'm y/n Smalls and this is my best friend: Parker Rooney." I gestured to Parker.
"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Luke Ross." He introduced. Not gonna lie, Luke was pretty cute. But I didn't want to make a quick judgment on someone based off of their first impression.

"Wait as in Christina and Morgan Ross' child?" I asked, honestly I'm surprised I didn't realise this before. He nodded and smirked, "In the flesh." I stood out my hand, indicating that I was trying to give him a hand shake. "Well, it's nice to meet you Luke Ross." I welcomed him. Instead of shaking my hand like I expected, he kissed it.

Interrupting our greetings, the Rooneys and Diggie (minus Joey) came through the doors and gave me and Parker a tight hug. Gemma told them to take a seat so they could watch us. Although, there was a few spare seats, 6 to be exact. Parker and Luke did one of those strange guy handshakes they always do then parted.

Liv and Maddie | Parker Rooney x Y/N SmallsWhere stories live. Discover now