How we met

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Y/n's POV:

I sat there alone crying on the bench outside of our school. Suddenly, a boy I remember from my class came outside and sat by me. He didn't even hesitate, he hugged me and greeted me, "Hi I'm Parker, from class! Why are you crying?"
I replied, "Hi Parker, I'm y/n. My mommy forgot to pick me up."
He looked at me apolagetically and asked, "Why don't you come to my house, I can get my mommy to find out where your mommy is!"
I was shocked Parker even talked to me let alone invited me into his house and I cheered, "I'd love to!"

His mom pulled up a minute later, got out of the car and asked, "Parker! How was your after school club honey?"
Parker cheerfully answered, "It was so fun mommy, but not as fun as meeting my new best friend right after!"
His mom looked towards me, "Hi sweetie, are you okay? Did your parents forget to collect you from school?"

I sniffeled and Parker grabbed hold of my hand, " Y-yeah... Usually I w-walk home but she said she'd come and get me today and s-she didn't show up..."
His mom looked at me sorrowfully and replied, "That's not good, why would she make a 7 year old girl walk home all by herself? To then have the audacity to leave her daughter out on the street," she looked at her watch, "for 1 and a half hours and not even show up anyway!"

I sniffeled and Parker squeezed my hand and suggested, "Can she stay st our house tonight?" His mother, being the kind lady she was, agreed and took me and Parker to her house. I was welcomed with open arms to a family of 6. There was Mr Rooney, Mrs Rooney, Liv, Maddie, Joey and Parker. Mrs Rooney called my mom (they were college dorm-mates) and was answered to some horrific news.

She set down her phone and looked at me sorrowfully. I asked,"What's wrong Mrs Rooney? Is my mommy okay?" She knelt down next to me, put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Your mother got into a terrible car crash... Unfortunately, she didn't survive. But your older brother and grandma said they could come and get you in half an hour."

My lips trembled as tears formed in my eyes, Parker jumped off the sofa and walked over to me. "Y/n, I'm sorry your mommy died..." Parker said as he held his arms wide open, expecting me to hug him.

But I didn't I ran into Liv and Maddie's room and locked myself in Liv's walk-in closet. The two stared at the door, wondering who I was, what had happened and why I was here. They hesitantly stood up and went towards the door and Liv said, "Umm... Hi sweetie, what's your name?" Threw the tears I replied,
"My n-name is Y/n Smalls."
Maddie greeted me, "Hi y/n, I'm Maddie Rooney and this is my sister Liv Rooney. What's wrong y/n?" I could tell through her voice she was concerned. Slowly, I unlocked the closet and stepped out.

Maddie's POV:

I heard the closet unlock then suddenly a little girl that looked like she was Parker's age stepped out.
Looking towards me, Liv stated, "Wow you're so pretty, but please y/n tell us what's wrong..."
She looked up to me and Liv and her jaw dropped. "You guys look exactly the same!" She exclaimed.
Liv giggled knowing the young girl had just met us and I only had told her we were sisters and not the fact that we were twins.

I smiled at her and spoke up, "So y/n, since we've established that Liv and I are twins and you're beautiful. Can you please tell us what's wrong?"
She shyly replied, "My m-mommy said she would p-pick me up from school for once. I waited for 1 and a half h-hours and she didn't s-show up! Parker saw me crying, he sat by me and hugged me and asked his mommy to call my mommy and see what happened." I think Liv and I both knew where this was going...

Liv's POV:

I think Maddie and I knew where this was going... Y/n continued, "She got into a bad car crash and she died! Now it's just me, my dad and my brother." I literally gasped, "Oh no, I'm so sorry sweetie! I remember the same thing happened to my friend's mommy on- Did you hear that?"

We all ran downstairs, we heard another person cry. It was Parker. Maddie went over and asked, "Parker, what's wrong?"
Parker sniffeled and cried, "I was trying to be a good friend to y/n but she ran upstairs."
I looked at him and sighed knowing he was trying to be nice but y/n needed some space...

Parker's POV:

I opened my arms to give y/n a hug but she cried even more and ran upstairs. I'm such a terrible friend... "Mommy, was I being a bad friend?" I asked crying as though my eyes we're a never ending waterfall. Mom looked at me and exclaimed, "Of course not honey! You were trying to be nice but y/n took the news about her mother in a very bad way..."

I started crying so much until it could've created a river between here and North Korea! Then Liv and Maddie ran down and consoled me. Suddenly, y/n appeared behind Liv and started crying. I don't know why but her crying, made me want to cry...

Y/n POV:

I ran over to Parker and hugged him I expected to be pushed away after I ran from him before. Surprisingly, HE wouldn't let go of ME for the next two hours.

Parker's POV:

I know I looked clingy but this was one of the moments that will never leave my memories. She was my best friend and I never wanted her to not be around. I kissed her on the forehead and fell asleep with her watching Finding Nemo and didn't awkwen til the next morning...

Liv's POV:

"Shh everyone they're sleeping." I whispered. They were just so cute, snuggled up together watching Finding Nemo. "Wait a minute, Y/n Smalls? Did she say her name was Y/n Smalls?" Maddie questioned.

"Yeah... OHHH I think I know! The guy you like from our class, is called Diggie Smalls," I exclaimed cheerfully jumping around. Maddie stood there flustered, "Yeah, how did you know?"
"I always know," I stated and mysteriously disappeared. By disappeared, I meant ran up the stairs doing 'mysterious' jazz hands.

Maddie's POV:

"Her brother is coming over soon to see if she's okay." Mom announced. I stood there shocked. DIGGIE SMALLS WAS GOING TO BE IN MY HOUSE!!!
Liv ran back down yelling, "A car just pulled up outside." I literally squealed and opened the door for Diggie.
"Hey Rooney." He greeted, he tried being happy but it was easy to tell he was still quite upset.

In response, I replied, "Sup Diggie, sorry about your mom." He shrugged and responded, "She was abusive anyway, but now it's just me, my grandma and my sister." I smiled and patted his shoulder. He looked towards the couch in awe, "They're so cute." He exclaimed.
I nodded in agreement and stated, "She can stay over the night, if you're dad is alright with that." He stopped focusing on the young ones and looked towards me then said, "Sure, see you around Rooney." Then he left.

A/N: That's how the two best friends met... What will happen in the future?

Liv and Maddie | Parker Rooney x Y/N SmallsWhere stories live. Discover now