When I enter the room, Louis gives me a twisted smile as if he was sorry for what happened. The boys take place on the sofa and I start asking my questions. This interview is going to be shit

" Hello guys, how are you ?" I ask them without looking at Harry

"We're great thank you. We're glad to be in Paris, it's a beautiful city " Zayn answers

"And such a romantic one" Harry adds trying to make eye contact with me but I roll my eyes

"It is ! So you're currently touring all around the world, what's been your favourite country so far ?" I say reading the first question on my list

"Ireland !" Niall shouts and Louis chuckles

"I'd say Australia " Liam answers

"You've just announced that you were going to release a sixth album. Congratulations ! What can you tell us about it ?" I continue.

"We're very excited about it. We can't say much since we didn't really start to write it but I think it will be pretty cool" Louis answers

"You have millions of fans all over the world, how do you explain that ?" Those questions are so annoying why did I accept to do this interview ?

"I think they just like the fact that we're five normal guys, here for having fun and we're not big-headed because we're famous" Harry explains. I force myself to look at him to be polite but I don't really want to.

After a few other questions, we have a look at series of tweets from the fans.

@Niallmarryme14 If you could turn back time, would you ? If yes, what would you change ? #AskTheBoys

"I would start my audition again on the Xfactor. It was very bad" Louis laughs

Then Harry takes the floor. Of course he would.
"I would go back four months ago and fight for the girl I love. I wouldn't have let her go, I'd have done everything so she could have stayed with me and be happy." He makes eye contact with me and I immediately look away. Why does he have to say it now, in front of everyone else ? I wriggle on my chair nervously and put the next tweet on the screen.

@crazymofos_afff Do you always enjoy being famous ? #AskTheBoys

"Not always, sometimes it's difficult to deal with it because we don't have much privacy and we're always very busy." Zayn answers

"We wish we could hang out like normal people without loads of paparazzi around us" Niall adds

@amazaynnn32 Decribe each member in one word #AskTheBoys

"For Liam it would be...big heart" Zayn says

"It makes two words. Don't you know how to count ?" Louis teases

"You know I left school early" he jokes

"For Niall I'd say...Irish" Harry says

"How original !" Niall chuckles.

The next tweet says:
@Harry_Smiles__x Most likely to date a fan ? #AskTheBoys

Why are the fans asking such creepy questions ? This is becoming very embarrassing.

"Harry" the four of them laughs pointing at the curly one.

"It says "to date a fan" which implies to be nice to her, to love her and treat her right, not to be an asshole to her and make her believe that she's a beard so she can break up because you don't have the balls to do it" I snap and immediately regret it.

" CHARLOTTE !" Liam yells. Harry glares at me but doesn't say a word.
There is an awkward silence in the room and I look down.

"I'm...I think I'm done with the interview. Hmm.. Thanks for your time" I stutter avoiding eye contact with them and leave the room in a rush, totally embarrassed.

That interview was so awkward. But he broke my heart and ruined my life for the last four months, I wasn't going to be all nice and understanding. I know he did it for love but I'm still mad at him and I don't know if I will be able to forgive him. I'm also so mad at Hanna. She knew about that and hid the truth to be sure that I'd go do this interview.

When I come home she's laid down on the couch with a mountain of covers on her and her laptop, probably watching a movie.

"Seriously Hanna ?! You could have told me !" I immediately yell

"No need to scream ! You wouldn't have been if I had told you" she snaps

"Of course I wouldn't ! Did you already forget how bad I was after I broke up with him ? Do you think I wanted to see him again ? I can't believe you did this to me on purpose !" I shout and she rolls her eyes

"You're so selfish sometimes that if I had told you, you would have only think about yourself and would have let me do this interview when I'm also sick as fuck. Also I just received an email of their manager, the interview was shit. Couldn't you have done this interview without making any troubles for once ?"

"Selfish ? Seriously ? You're the one that acted like a total selfish bitch. You could have asked someone else from your internship to replace you but you chose me instead so you could tell your boss that, even being sick, you did that interview. You acted for your own good and your reputation because you always have to be the best everywhere, without caring about how I would feel to interview the guy that I loved during two years and who broke my heart. " Her calling me selfish after what she did is too much. It s the straw that broke the camel's back.
She doesn't answer, she just stand up and goes to the kitchen to take her medicines.

"Oh so you have nothing to answer ? You're realising that I'm not wrong ?" I snap

"Get out of my house" she mutters turning her back to me.

"Excuse me ?"

"Get the hell out of my house. I don't want to see you" she says louder

I frown but don't make a move.

"You heard me, get the fuck out of my house" she repeats still not facing me.

"Okay..." I say and grab my bag before slamming the door.

Great, now I am in the rain without anywhere to sleep. I don't want to go to my father's house either. This day was shit. I've never fought with Hanna like this before. She didn't even yell. She was too mad to shout at me. I don't know what took me to call her a selfish bitch, but she kinda deserved it.
I'm soaked and I'm starting to get cold, I wish I could take a hotel room but I don't have money. Without really thinking I take my phone and call the only person I really want to talk right now.

"Charlotte ?" He immediately picks up

"Liam, hey..." I say sobbing realising that I'm crying.

"Is everything ok ?" He worries

"Hum not really actually. Can I see you ?" I almost beg

"Of course Charlotte. Where are you ?"

"In the street. I'll text you the address"

"Ok I'll come to pick you"

"Thanks Liam" I says and hang up

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