"That is noted, the branch manager will see you tomorrow morning on the third bell. Next, please fill in the quest completion form here"

Receiving the form, Lilith filled the queries in with the bare minimum as she could convey the unusual details tomorrow.

"Thank you for your assistance adventurer, I see that everything is accounted for and an additional expedition for the recoveries will be arranged shortly.

Your hard work is greatly appreciated Ms.Lilith, here's your reward as promised and we will have the identifications assessed for the bonus. This process may take a week, may I know how long you will be staying in Dwelrune?"

As she spoke, the receptionist handed Lilith five stamped 1000g drafts while handing the small bundle of possessions to another staff behind her.

"We will be staying here for a while, a week is fine with me."

"That is noted, please return anytime next week, may I know if there's anything else I can help you with?"

"No, that would be all"

"Thank you adventurer, stay safe and stay slay"

The receptionist's last remark reactively made Lilith lift an eyebrow.

She was about to open her mouth when the receptionist flashed a forced awkward smile, tilted her head, and showed her teeth through the corner of her lips.

It is apparent she did not wish to speak anything more about the last part.

Understandingly, Lilith just replied with a smile and a nod then made her way back to the inn.

"That was... a weird slogan"

Lilith thought to herself as she followed the main road to South Dwelrune.


Entering the sturdy door leading to their inn room, she found D sitting silently next to Vibey who was laying down on the bed, his large hand holding onto Vibey's finger.

His glare was empty and not a hint of any expression was shown in his face, it had been years since D was able to properly show his emotion. Though he had devised his own way to show his concern or whatever emotion his face fails to express.

Through the flickering candle that lit up the corner next to the end table, she could also see both D's and Vibey's equipment, tidily lined up and set aside accordingly.

Some armour pieces were in tatters while the weapons were bent, bruised, and probably beyond repair, especially the hulking tower shields that D used.

Numerous dents and scratches with missing chunks, but what signalled its demise was how the shield was bent like the wheat bread she had for breakfast,folded in half to fit her small maw.

The equipment definitely needed repairs and some might require replacements, but that she could ponder tomorrow morning.

"How's Vibey?" softly, Lilith spoke to D.

He passed a short glance and returned to watching over his little sister.

"Has she taken the medicine?"

His eyes flicked to the small table next to him, a small clay cup and a piece of paper with trails of crushed dry leafs and green powder.

"I see, scoot off for a sec rocky"

Slowly, D let go of his hand and stood up from the low wooden stool, letting Lilith to take the spot next to their incapacitated sister.

Though, instead of sitting, Lilith stepped up on the stool and stood over next to the bedside, leaning her torso forward to the bed, she held Vibey's hand in both of hers and dipped her forehead, connecting the mana points.


Softly, she tried to ask the wind elemental again, still no reply. Concerned, she forcefully connected their mana and it prompted her to give a small sigh and faint smile of relief.

The turbulence in their mana had weakened, no rigid resistance nor disordance as she regulated their mana through hers. Though, it was still in a disarray, an embodiment of a sleeping mess in mana form.

"The medicine is working I suppose" she sighed in relief as she slowly disconnected their mana points.

*knock knock*

Soft knocks echoed from their inn door.

"Room service, meal for ... three?" The voice from outside shouted their intent.

In response, D walked toward the door and turned its handle, slowly revealing one of the barmaids from the diner below standing with a cart full of food in tow.

With a nod, D stepped aside from the door and let the barmaid and her cart in. Swiftly, she trained her cart to the table and set the meals down. Just as quickly, she pushed it back out and bid them goodnight to enjoy the meal.

"Good call D, we definitely skipped lunch and kinda surprised that starvation didn't get us first.

Be a dear and set the table, I will take off my stuff."

As she took off her cape and armour, she could see a number of torn fabrics and deep scratches, looking just as bad as her siblings' equipment currently lined up neatly.

Concerned, she pulled her rapier out from the sheath and inspected her partner. A few nicks here and there and the tip needs grinding, badly. Not to mention the infused redwood to channel mana has darkened and possibly fried from today's usage.

Setting her things aside, she returned to the table where D had separated their meals accordingly and eagerly waited for her for dinner.

"No need to wait for me numbhead, anyway, I need you to help me check a few things." She instructed as she started with the seared steak in front of her.

"I am heading to the guild second bell tomorrow morning and then shop for materials and repair our equipment; basically, I will be out for the whole day.

Check our things and see which one you can stitch and which needs replacement, put what you need on the shopping list."

Listing her thoughts, she paused as she glanced at her green-haired sister, sleeping peacefully and unconscious on the bed.

"About Vi, bring her to the good doctor again should anything happen to her. From what I saw, we can at least trust the doctor with what he is doing.

I will try to return by the evening."

Attentively, D replied with a nod while shoving his meal down with the wooden ladle, as the spoon was a tad too small for him.

"You know.." she continued,

"Enveloping mana over the body to check for anomalies and injury is very easy in its application, only requiring a small amount of mana and easily controlled.

The difficult part is understanding the information received from the spell. Vibey would greatly benefit from learning that.

I really wish she would at least not slack off with her magic training."

Fumingly, she rattled on as her fork stabbed the second steak on her plate.

"Mana is everywhere, and considering how fast she moves, being able to sense hostile mana or any potential danger can help her greatly while attacking, but noooo...

Our pretty little carrot says it is too complex and just slows her down, she works on instinct, reacting as she moves.

I mean yeah, she is fast, but a cyclops gave her a clean smack and sent her flying earlier, just before we reunited with you in that corridor.

A clean smack, and her body bounced like twice and rolled just a few metres to my feet, could you imagine how scared I was?"

As she rambled on, D listened quietly and gave a few nods in between words as he moved onto his soup.

Silently, he enjoyed his dinner while her sister complained. Nothing but their usual post-mission debriefing, though this time, Vibey was not awake to counter argue.

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