love, now

807 82 124

i know you love me, sweet

it's how you watch me when we meet

eyes take in everything about me

plus all  that others cannot see


you take one look and you assess

you never even have to guess

what it is i find myself in

you know where my mind has been


you know the me behind the wall

you've got my back every time and all

you want is my truth from me

that truth others meet with difficulty


i know you see me for who i am

no fooling you, i doubt  i can

there's nothing i would hide from you

this is me, i'm yours, i'm true


i'm not perfect to any degree

it's how you love me that sets me free

you know my heart and all my fears

your love will no doubt collect my tears


it's when we exchange a look

the one that speaks louder than a book

that i know we are on the same page

even when we go off stage


i feel how it is as a cloudburst  from above

this thing that rests on us, this love

and you are the door where i come in

and i'm your grin, your sin, your skin

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