I'm ink but different?

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(??? POV)

I was sleeping in my bed when I woke up to the feeling of being cold. Confused, I sit up and look around only to see whiteness everywhere I turned and so I decided to look down at myself only to be surprised and shocked at seeing white bones and different clothes on me instead but then that suprise and shock that I was feeling ended up turning into sadness and curiosity.

Why I was sad?, it was because I realized that I died and would never get to eat my chocolate bar that i got from the store. Anyways, the reason why I'm curious is because I keep wondering what type of skeleton I am... for all I know, I probably have been reborn as a minecraft skeleton!

Sighing, I shake myself out of my thoughts while wondering what to do until I suddenly hear two heavy thuds come from behind me. Turning in suprise, I see two big paint brushes behind me and I immediately look around in suspicion only to relax when I saw that I was alone or at least I was alone until a voice sounded in my skull.

???: Hello Ink

     Uh- hi random voice in my head? :Ink

???: Random voice?... Oh- right I forgot to introduce myself didn't i?

                                                          Yep :Ink

???: Well you see my name is Fate and I happened to need your help for something very important and if you don't help I will be in a lot of trouble.

Oh, nice to meet you Fate but what exactly would I be doing if I choose to help you? :Ink

Fate: Simple, you are going to train your magic and skills constantly in this white endless space until I think you're ready to leave.

So if I choose to help you, I get to learn magic and fighting and would be able to leave this white space when you deem me ready, but if I choose not to help you, I would be stuck here in this white space never being able to leave? :Ink

Fate: Correct. Though I must say I'm delighted that you don't seem to be an idiot and that you seem to not be having any short memory problems like other inks I have met from other multiverse's.

That's nice to know, though I would love to know when I start training :Ink

Fate: Eager to train already?... Alright then, I will transport over some books with different subjects from magic to fighting and perhaps more.

                       Alright, thank you Fate :Ink

Fate: ... Your welcome, after all what type of mother would I be if I just left my own child all alone without any knowledge about fighting or magic?

Right... well I'll just start reading these books then, so um goodbye Fate :Ink

Fate: Whoever said I was leaving just yet? Also call me Mother my child.

I see, well then what are you going to do now... Mother? :Ink

Fate: Well you see my child, each month I will give you an opponent to fight and once I see that you are strong enough, I will send more opponents to you until you are able to withstand millions over millions of attacks and opponents with your own skills!, wonderful plan isn't it?

... I- y-yes Mother that's a wonderful plan and I can't wait to get stronger to help you in whatever it is you have planned for the future. :Ink

Fate: Good to know you agree, though Ink... you better not fail me. Afterall, you are going to play an important part in my future plan soon.

I understand Mother, I will try my best to improve myself for you're future plan. :Ink

Fate: Don't TRY to do your best Ink, do your best and don't fail me! Now I will get going unless you have anything to ask before I leave?

I do have one thing to ask... :Ink

Fate: Well?, what is it that you want to ask?

I was wondering, if there are other versions of me in different multiverses than shouldn't I go by a different name?, y'know just in case? :Ink

Fate: Hmm, that's true. Alright, then what would you like to be called then?

I would like to be called Hue if that's alright with you. :Ink

Fate: Hue?... alright fine but you are only to be called Hue when in a different multiverse, when in my multiverse and in my presence, you will be called Ink. Now i will be going, see you in a few million years alright?

Ok- wait a minute what do you mean in a few million years!? :Ink

                                             ...They left. :Ink

Sitting there silently, I ponder on what I should do first while processing the info I received and how I was now Ink- or at least I was processing everything until I caught sight of the two big paint brushes that I forgot about. Staring at the two paint brushes, I feel the urge to pick them both up and that's what I start doing when I get up, only to stop when I feel pain coming from my sides. Stumbling back confused and in pain, I try to look at my sides only to fall to the white empty floor when the pain increased and blood started to pour out of my sides.

Immediately, I let out a cry of pain while trying not to scream though I eventually did scream in pain when I felt my whole body also start to change. Luckily for me though, I ended up passing out before I could feel the pain get even worse.

Unknown to me, my height, body, and clothes which originally were like the original ink, had all changed. My height which was first short, was now tall. My body which only had two arms, now had four arms and my clothes that were like the original ink's was quite different than before. And if anyone were to catch sight of my eyelights now when I'm awake, they would notice that my eye lights seemed to be emotionless and they would most likely be creeped out about it.

 And if anyone were to catch sight of my eyelights now when I'm awake, they would notice that my eye lights seemed to be emotionless and they would most likely be creeped out about it

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(Even though Ink/Hue eyelights are y'know, emotionless looking, they still have their emotions. They just can't change their eyelights to express their emotions anymore because of the strange change that happened to them.)

(At least Ink/Hue still has emotions!... well he still has emotions For Now at least.)

(Oh right, I forgot to mention that the change that happened to Ink/Hue was because of Fate. Yeah, Fate "Forgot" to tell Ink that he would experience a "little change" when she left.)

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