26 - Trust

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 || A/N ||

Hey, ya'll! Apologies for not updating yesterday, I literally just forgot lmao. But here are the next two chapters, and all I'm gonna say is buckle up and enjoy the ride :)


Clara stood next to the girl greenie who was lying on one of the beds in the med room, completely unconscious. She was staring at her, trying to dig up any sort of memory, any explanation about how the girl knew her name.

"Clara, what's going on? What's the matter with her? Why won't she wake up?" Newt asked, stepping into the med room. Clara lifted her head to look at him, noticing Thomas and Minho standing behind him, before responding,

"Sorry did I miss the invisible medical degree on the wall behind me? My guess is she's in some kind of coma."

"Well, do you recognize her?"


"Really? Cause she seemed to recognize you."

"Yeah, I gathered that Newt, thanks." She spat back at him. Thomas stepped forward slightly, speaking softly,

"I recognize her."

"What?" Clara and Newt asked in unison, looking at the boy.

"I don't know why, but she looks familiar to me. I've seen her in- in these dreams I have. Clara is in them too sometimes."

"That's a little creepy but I'll let it go." Clara muttered, "What about the note Newt?"

"We'll worry about the note later."

"I think you should worry about it now." Thomas said, turning to look at Newt.

"We've got enough to deal with at the moment."

"He's right Newt. The box isn't coming back up, how long do you think we can last?" Clara looked up at the boy, concern in her eyes.

"No one said that. Let's not jump to any conclusions. Let's just – we'll wait until she wakes up and see if she remembers anything. Somebody's gotta have some answers around here."

A silence fell over the room as everyone looked at the girl on the bed, Thomas suddenly mumbled something and turned around, walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Newt asked,

"Back into the maze."

"Wait!" Clara shouted just before he walked out the door, "I'm coming with you."

"The hell you are." Newt said, grabbing her arm before she could follow Thomas out the door.

"Try and stop me." She yanked her arm out of his hands, glaring at him and running outside to join Thomas who was talking to Minho. 

She looked at the pair of them and nodded, both of them doing the same to her before she ran up the stairs of the homestead and into her room, grabbing the small backpack and her knife from under her bed. She quickly strapped the bag onto her back, a feeling of nostalgia washing over her, before attaching the knife holster to her hip. She moved to step out the door but suddenly a figure stepped in front of her, and she walked straight into his chest. She stumbled slightly before she looked up and saw Newt glaring down at her, his arms crossed.

"Get out of my way Newt."

"You're not going back into the maze."

"Why not?"

"You know bloody well why not."

"Sorry, which one of us just survived a night in there? Oh right, it was me, so you can quit pretending like you're doing me some sort of favour by stopping me." She spat as she tried to push past him, but he didn't budge, using one of his arms to shove her back in the room.

"I said, you're not going into the maze."

"I don't take orders from cowards."

"Coward? That's bloody rich, remind me who saved your arse two years ago when you decided to run into the maze looking for a dead body. As far as I'm concerned saving your life doesn't give you a reason to hate me."

"Oh, fuck off! You saved yourself Newt, you didn't give a rat's ass what happened to me. You wanted the glory of rescuing the damsel in distress, you didn't care about me."

"You know that's not true."

"Do I? Do I really? Because the way I remember it you ruined EVERYTHING for me, you couldn't deal with the fact that I was brave enough to do the shit that you were too fucking scared to do!"

Clara was shouting now, she could feel her throat starting to hurt and she could hear the blood rushing in her ears. She stood up and moved so she was standing directly in front of him, her hands were rolled into fists and her knuckles were turning white as she squeezed them tighter.

"You ruined everything for me Newt, you know that? You took away the only thing I ever cared about, the only thing that made me happy in this godforsaken place and you got to prance around like the fucking hero of the glade!" She tried desperately to get past him, pushing her hands against him, and using all her weight to try and move him out of the way, but he didn't budge, 

"Get out of my fucking way Newt!" She yelled, slamming her fists into her chest as tears of anger started falling from her eyes.

"Clara, stop." Newt said, calmly, trying to catch her hands before they reached his chest, failing miserably as she kept pounding her fists against him.

"You took fucking everything from me!"

"Enough Clara! Just stop!" Newt suddenly grabbed both of her hands and pushed her against the wall next to the door, using his body to pin her against it as he slammed her hands down on either side of her head. Clara struggled under his grip, her face contorted with anger.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she spat, venom oozing from her words.

"JUST STOP CLARA. FUCKING STOP." He yelled at her, and she flinched slightly as she slowly stopped struggling under his grip. "Just stop, please." He whispered. 

Her cheeks began to heat up as she noticed their position, Shit he's close to me, she thought. 

Newt's hands were still firmly holding hers against the wall next to her head, and he was using his hips to keep her pressed up against it. Her nose brushed against his as they both breathed heavily, his breath tickling her upper lip. 

She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, so hard that she could almost hear it. Her mind, which was racing only seconds ago had stopped and gone quiet, as if he was the only thing in the world. His gaze shifted from her eyes to her lips and back again and he leaned forwards slightly, loosening his grip on her wrists. 

Her eyes fluttered closed as he moved closer to her, and she parted her lips slightly as her heart skipped more beats than she ever thought was possible. His lips just brushed over hers softly, barely touching them.

"Clara! Come on, we gotta go Minho's waitin – OH! Oh, shit, I-" Thomas fumbled over his words as he stepped into the room, noticing the position the pair was in. Newt quickly jumped away from Clara clearing his throat as she turned to look at Thomas, whose face was turning bright red as he quickly tried to recover,

"Uh – Minho's in the, uh, he's in the forest. I'll... I'll just – you know what? I'll meet you outside. Okay? Okay. Yeah, I'm – I'll just go. Okay bye." He mumbled out, as he practically sprinted away. Leaving Clara and Newt alone again.

"I have to go back in there, Newt."

"I really can't stop you?"

She shook her head at the boy, before he continued speaking.

"You know I'm going to have to throw you in the pit when you get back."

"Yeah." She turned and walked towards the door,

"Hey, wait." He walked forward, reaching into his pocket, and pulling something out of it. She recognized the small ivy bracelet he'd made her the first day they ran in the maze together. She remembered that she'd practically thrown it at him on the day she was kicked out of the runners, forcing him to take it back. He grabbed her hand and pushed the bracelet onto her wrist before looking back at her,

"Clara I –" He hesitated for a moment, "If you die, I'll kill you."

"I won't, blondie. Keep the pit warm for me."

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