09 - Creatures

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A giant creature towered over the two of them, it had a green slimy body with huge metal legs sticking out of the sides of its body. Clara felt Newt's hand grab hers, squeezing it tightly. Horrifying clicking and whining noises came from the creature, echoing off the walls of the maze. A disgusting mucus-like substance was dripping from its body and the smell of burning oil filled Clara's nostrils. 

At the end of the creature's body was a long metal tail that was whipping around in the air. Clara's breath caught in her throat as she realized that Freddy was wrapped in one of the creature's metal claws, screaming as it crushed him. At the end of the metal tail was a sharp instrument that looked like a needle of sorts. Clara watched, frozen in horror as the creature's tail shot forward, stabbing Freddy with it. He screamed in pain and the creature released him, he dropped to the floor with a horrifying thud. 

Before she realized what she was doing Clara pulled the knife out of her holster and threw it toward the creature. It made contact with its thick, fleshy skin and sunk into it, causing the creature to release a terrifying screech before it scrambled off into another part of the maze, the clicking noises fading as it moved away.

Clara released Newt's hand and ran towards Freddy, who was now writhing in pain on the ground, clutching his stomach where the needle had stabbed him. She dropped to her knees next to the boy, trying to get his attention,

"Freddy! Look at me, hey!" She shouted, desperately trying to get the boy to focus on her. Newt hadn't moved, his body paralyzed from fear until Clara shouted at him, 

"Newt! Help me carry him!"

He suddenly snapped out of his fear, moving over to her, and taking one of the boy's arms, wrapping it around his shoulders while she did the same with his other arm. They dragged the boy down the winding passages, stopping every few minutes to take a break. When they stopped for the fourth time, Newt checked the small watch strapped around his wrist as Clara leaned Freddy against one of the walls, crouching over his face and checking his pulse, his heart was beating insanely fast. Clara knew they had to hurry. She took his arm again, wrapping it around her shoulder,

"Newt, come on, we have to get him back." She grunted as she tried to pull the unconscious boy up again, giving up quickly and leaning him back against the wall, Newt was still looking at his watch as though he hadn't heard her, 

"Newt!" She called again,

"We don't have time." He mumbled under his breath,

"What?" She panted, standing up straight to face him

"We don't have enough time Clara, the doors are going to close."

"What are you saying?"

"We have to leave him."

Clara's heart dropped and her eyebrows furrowed at the blonde,

"No, we're not leaving him!"

"Clara, we have to! Either we leave him, or we get stuck in the maze for the night!"

"Then we get stuck Newt, I'm not leaving him!"

Newt walked forwards towards her, grabbing her wrist, and pulling her with him as he started walking towards the doors,

"I'm not letting you kill yourself, Clara, we have to go."

Clara struggled in Newt's grip, using her free hand to push him away from her she finally managed to get her arm out of his hands and ran back towards the other boy. She tried desperately to pick him up but suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. Newt lifted her off the ground, carrying her away from Freddy as he continued walking towards the doors.

"WE CAN'T LEAVE HIM! PLEASE NEWT!" She cried, trying to worm out of his grip as tears blurred her vision, but he didn't budge, carrying her further and further away until they turned a corner and Freddy's body was no longer in their sight. He finally released his grip on Clara's waist, letting her stand on her own feet but he kept his hands on her arms, turning her to face him,

"Clara, look at me." He said, gently shaking her arms. 

She looked up at him and he felt a small part of his heart break as he saw the pain on her face, which was covered in tears. He reached a hand up, wiping away a few of her tears before speaking again, 

"We can't do anything for him. Please, we have to run otherwise we're going to miss the doors, okay?" He asked softly, Clara only nodded in response, unable to speak. He let go of her arms and she turned and began to run back in the direction of the doors, with Newt following closely behind her.

As they ran through the doors, Minho sprinted up to them,

"What the hell took you guys so long? The doors are about to close! Wait – " He paused and looked behind Newt, "Where's the greenie?" He looked at Newt who just shook his head, and then at Clara who fell to her knees, breathing deeply with tears still falling from her eyes.

"What the hell happened out there?"

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