Chapter 27: Finally

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Jennifer POV:

suddenly Evelyn kicked my balls. trust me when I said that it hurt badly. I eyed Francis giving him my death stare connecting my mind link to him telling him to keep quite and help me prank Evelyn suddenly Evelyn looked to her right seeing me hurdled up like a ball holding my junior pain written in my face 'I am such a good actor should have become an actor instead of a business women' i thought 

 she looked at me for a second and cracked a small laugh but quickly shut her mouth not wanting to anger me? she came rushing towards me feeling bad I suppose "what the fuck is wrong with you" I said in an angry tone getting into my role which made her look down for some reason since I was hurdled up like a ball I couldn't see proper she rubbed her eyes suddenly i got why she was looking down and rubbing her eyes she is crying? 

"I-I am s-sorry" she said but i didn't want to end the prank just yet "oh god it hurts so bad" i said which made her cry even more 'shall i stop?' 

"i am really sorry, look at me" she said but I didn't look at her until she  grabbed my jaw with both her hands and made me look at her "I am sorry please tell me you are ok" she said 

I think it's time i stop

"Baby it's a PRANK" I said hugging her and rubbing her tears "W-What" she said suddenly she stood up slapping me "Why did you slap me" I asked her she came down back and hugged my tight saying "I thought something happened to you" "look at me darling nothing happened to me, me and Francis were playing a prank on you"

"speaking of Francis where is he?" I asked wondering where he is

"Leave him we are getting late" I said Seeing the time

Evelyn pulled me towards the car and said "baby"

"Huh wha-" I said Feeling clusters she called me 'baby' but before I could say anything she told
"Can I please drive your car" "what fuck no" i said hugging my baby (my car)

"Why" "because-

After a while

We are all enjoying our food suddenly Harley stood up holding her glass saying "me and Bella got something to inform you guys" "so I an pregnant" said Bella

Everyone stating at them shocked especially the siblings
"Oh my god" "Oh my god" "Oh my god" all three of the said in unison

"Bella did you inform mama and mom" asked Mike
"Noo but I told mom she is telling mama"

"We are so happy for you sister" said Rachel

Bella turned over seeing Evelyn

Suddenly Evelyn got off her chair and went to hug Bella and Harley "you finally did it I am so proud of you I am going to be an auntie we have to go back to the kingdom"

'Oh my god is this going to be good thing or bad thing' Me, Harley, Andrew and Quinn thought

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is an happy chapter soon you guys are going to kill me

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