Chapter 17:"Supposing How many Time We Did It I Thought You Would Like To Sleep"

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A:N/ Hey Loves Double Chapters today My exams Are going on so I couldn't update I have 4 exams left so please bear with me until then. Don't forget to vote and comment 

Evelyn POV:

"Hmm" I hummed my body aching all over suddenly memories of last night flooded into my head making me blush even more. I stretched my hand out in search of Jennifer but she was no where to be found 'maybe this was a one time thing for her, what if she fires me what shall i do that time' as I was thinking all sorts of thoughts Jennifer came in wearing her work attire holding 2 coffees and breakfast or lunch? I don't know how long I slept "why didn't you wake me up" I asked "Supposing how many rounds we did last night I thought I will be kind enough and let you sleep for a while" she said kissing me, on my head 

"here your breakfast do you want to take bath first or eat first" she asked With a sly smirk planted on her face " to the bathroom" I mumbled "can't hear you love" she said coming closer "don't act as if you can't hear" I said "I guess you didn't get enough of around 10 rounds yesterday" she said "what do you mean" I asked latter knowing I showed her an attitude when I wasn't supposed to "sorry" I said pulling her closer to me and pecking her lips giving her my best cute face thinking she will forgive me "my do you have to be so cute" she said irritated and kissed me I giggled and pulled her into a hug soon silence consumed us we sat there comfortably hugging each other until I broke the silence and said "can you please take me to the bathroom we can hug later if we sit here like this its going to be morning" I said but I wanna hug you "you can hug me later ok you have work to do correction we have work to do so lets get moving" I said She lifted up in bridal style and sat me up on the bathroom counter 

"are you sure you don't want me hear" "yes, otherwise we might do something both of us won't regret" "since we both won't regret it why don't we do it" "OUT now" "jeez fine" she said laughing closing the door behind her

Jennifer POV:

After yesterdays incidents' I woke up feeling a great amount of happiness rush over me  I turned to my left to find Evelyn hugging me "thank you love"  I whispered and kissed her I didn't want to wake her up so I went to take a shower and head out as there wasn't much work to do today I just had to sign some papers and have a meeting with the management team. As I was putting my shirt my body stung from Evelyn clawing my poor back from yesterday but it's fine those are just memories of last night I smiled happily ignoring the pain I decided to dress casual today I just put a White Off Dior Button Up with Black Dress Pants and a plain black Zara Blazer topped of with some Michigan NSS ( Night Sole Shoes)

 As I was putting my shirt my body stung from Evelyn clawing my poor back from yesterday but it's fine those are just memories of last night I smiled happily ignoring the pain I decided to dress casual today I just put a White Off Dior Button Up w...

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