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Erin's POV-
*driving too hero's with Connor* Connor when I got pushed into u I stared to have feelings for you. Me 2 said Connor trying to focus driving on the road. *at Hero's* ladies first as Connor opens the door. Thank you Connor now let's find a spot to sit at. Ok. *sits at a table* "Connor leans In I lean In our lips touch and it lasted a minute" You are a good kisser said Connor looking flirty as can be. Thank so are u. Then our waiter come to take our order. Hello welcome to Hero's may I take ur orders? Yes I would like the bacon and cheese Berger said Connor Hading the menu to the waiter. I would like the big steak please. Ok is that all said the waiter. Yes. *10 minutes later* Here is the big steak and the bacon and cheese Berger enjoy. Thank you said Connor. *waiter leaves* me and Connor look into each other eyes then close them and kiss. Now let's eat our food okay. Ok *20 minutes later* Time to go. Okay said Connor sad that we had to leave. *pulling out of my driveway* bye Connor. Bye Erin.

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