Series! Cole x Reader }} Baking is the way to a Ninja's Heart

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I waited, impatiently tapping my foot on the ground and continuing to look at the clock on the wall. 10:30, still wasn't here; 11, still not here; 12, nope. It was now about 12:30 and I frowned as I continued to look at my watch.

"Well this is suprising." Mari said, watching me with amusement.

"He's never late." I mumbled, glancing at the Chocolate cake.

"Maybe he had some Ninja business to attend too." She shrugged.

"He's been on time every week for the past 8 months." I huffed.

"I think you should go take your break, Alya will be here soon so I'll be fine for the 30 minutes you're gone. We will probably need more help once the brunch and lunch rush come in." She said, tugging at the strings of my apron. I gave in, getting quite hungry and wanting to take a seat. With a defeated sigh, I walked up to the apartment and heated up some food. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, setting my plate on the coffee table.

But the thing was, nothing was happening. There was no new about the Ninja, no public events, nothing. Perhaps I was over thinking it, it could be a secret matter. Or he could have found a better place to go to. I guess I got my hopes up for having the Earth Ninja all to my self.

"Hopefully one day one of you gets the balls to ask the other one out. It feels like everyone is third wheeling when the two of you talk." I replayed Alya's word from the other day. Did we really have that much chemistry or was it all in my head making it seem that way. And Mari and Alya just played along to make me feel better.

No, they wouldn't do that.

Maybe it is all in my head, me thinking I was special to him.

My timer going off snapped me out of my thoughts, reminding me my break was almost over. I got up and turned the TV off, washing my dishes and putting them on the drying rack. I made my way back down, grabbing my apron and quickly hopped on the counter, helping Mari pack the orders. Once Alya came she took my place so I could get started on baking again to refill the best sellers.

The day continued on. 5 rolled around and I said goodbye to Mari.

"I'll stop by later with Emma. She's been wanting to see you." She said, referring to her and Adriens little girl. I nodded, shooing her away to go spend some time with her family. Alya's boyfriend, Nino usually just chill at the bakery if she was the one staying closer to close. 6:30 came quick and I said my good byes to Alya and Nino.

I started the clean up process for the day, sweeping the whole store. Cleaning up the custom bar, taking out the trash, cleaning up the kitchen, whipping down the tables, seats, and the checkout counter. I set down closed signs on the tables I cleaned so no one would sit there. It was 7:45, 15 minutes till close. I made my self some tea and added my favorite add ons. I sat down with a tired sigh at one of the booths as I watched the clock tick while some quiet music played from the speakers. I pulled out my phone and noticed a few text messages in my group chat from my friends, who all worked here sometimes to help if I needed. I didnt have any official employees but I definitely paid my friends if they worked for me.

Simply the best gc (+15 people)

Alya: Has he shown up yet?

Y/N: nope

Rose: aw man, I was really rooting for you two :(

Mari: me too, I'm suprised it's been this long and all he does is order a freaking cake

Nino: she probably terrifies him

Y/N: how would I scare him?

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