Part 5 : The Meet with Brothers

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As soon as he got his senses, he fought back with the snakes thus inviting an angry Nagraj Vasuki...

Nagraj Vasuki who saw Bheem fighting with hus subjects was very angry but when he saw him, he remembered that he was his grandson... So forgiving him he asked him what he was doing there... As bheem started narrating the incidents, Nagraj understood that he wasn't at fault and what he did was to save himself from their bites... As Vasuki came to know about the poisoning, he advised Bheem to take up a liquid which would make poison ineffective in his body...

As Bheem took up the liquid, he felt better... Nagraj Vasuki blessed him with the words that he would have the power of 10,000 elephants...

Bheem being the grandson of Vasuki got royal treatment in his Kingdom before leaving the palace for Hastinapur...

As Bheem came up and was floating on the waters of Ganga, Karna who went there for Surya Pranam saw him... He thought that the prince was dead as he was unconscious and was floating and jumped to rescue him... But as soon as Karna lifted his heavy body up and came up to the shore, Bheem opened his eyes... He was astonished on finding himself on air but when he saw someone carrying him, he was much more surprised... He knew he was very heavy and carrying him up was an impossible task... He was impressed with the power the young man possessed and indulged himself in a talk with him to know more about him...

He was older than Arjun and knew about the caste discrimination but he never felt it important when Karna impressed him with his talks and his nature... He was of the belief that a person should be regarded based on his works and not by birth...

As they both talked for few more times, Bheem suddenly felt hunger booming in his stomach... He asked Karna if he could give him food as he was too hungry... Karna whose house was few walks away, invited him to his small place to feed him up...

Bheem, who knew that none could fill his empty stomach apart from his mother whose one love filled Laddoo would do the magic, was surprised when he saw that after taking few bites of Laddoo from Karna's hands, his empty stomach git fulfilled... He felt a connection between them and regarded him as his elder brother...

As Karna led him towards his Kingdom, both were happy... They promised to meet each other and Bheem insisted that they meet in the shore of Ganga on afternoons... Karna agreed... Bheem also proposed wrestling match too as he couldn't find anyone capable to defend him in that in his Kingdom but after meeting him, he wanted to fight with him and learn techniques to defend a wrestler too...

In the same way, Nakul and Sahadev met him in the jungle where they had went to search for a medicinal herb about which they needed to know about...

As they entered into the jungle, they felt that they got lost in the huge jungle searching for the herb and as they were in the position of crying, they saw a young man walking towards them... He was surprised seeing two kids in the jungle and was thinking about his meet with the two brothers too which didn't seem like coincidence... He looked for signs to understand what was in God's minds when he saw both of them lurking around... He helped them out of the jungle and made them reach safely into their kingdom premises not before making them eat something as they felt hungry after constant crying and walking...

After this the two kids got attached with him and went to play with him...

Now Karna got a doubt... He got to meet the 4 of them every day and though he like their company but he was aldo conscious regarding his economic state which didn't allow him to feed them good foods... He felt bad but he also felt that this meetings weren't mere coincidence... They were his destiny and God had plans for him...

As per God's wishes, one day Yudhishtir too came up on the shore of Ganga thinking about the rude behavior of Duryodhan just some time before... He never wanted to take over the Kingdom, but just some love from his relatives... But seemed like that wasn't in his life...

He was tired of being responsible everytime and as his brothers had his shoulder to cry on whenever they needed or him to complain whenever they faced any problem, he lacked it... He couldn't share his worries and sorrows with his mother as she would get worried and tensed for him but he needed someone to tell things over... Someone who wouldn't judge him...

And as per God's wish Karna who had few works, happened to pass from there... As he saw the young prince thinking something deeply with tears in his eyes, he thought of listening to the worries and complaints of the young prince...

Though Yudhisthir hesitated at first but then he too let out his guards and shared all his problems and worries with him...

Yudhisthir who was in search of a shoulder got it through Karna who was responsible and who could suggest him better ways of handling the situation...

Though Karna knew that all the 5 brothers used to meet him everyday, the 5 brothers were unknown to the fact that the other brothers used to meet him too...

And as the days for their going away was nearing, they used to enjoy each other's presence more and more... And finally when the day had come near, the brothers unknown to the others had offered Karna to join them to their Ashram... And Karna who too was used to caring for them and being responsible towards them, agreed to their proposal... As Yudhisthir used to complain to him regarding the behavior of Duryodhan and his brothers, Karna felt it necessary for him to go to the Ashram and keep an eye on them... He didn't want Duryodhan to succeed in making their life more miserable...

Let's see what happens when they enter the premises of Ashram and when the brothers get to know about the others meeting Karna... Would Dronacharya agree to give his teachings to Karna? Tune in to the story to know more...

The Epic : In a different situation Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon