Apologies But No Answers

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Joe couldn't sleep that night. Instead, he found himself researching Evelyn Jones. Everything that came up about her was positive and glowing. Until her name was published next to his. When he got to the articles and other posts about their relationship, people started questioning her choices.

They started asking why someone like Evelyn Jones would be with Joe Keery. People had different opinions; she was dating him out of pity, he was bribing her, he was blackmailing her, or because she wanted to ruin her career. The list goes on. Only a few of her fans thought it was because Evelyn actually wanted to be with Joe. Most of them doubted that.

Not that he could blame her fans.

Her life, her career was perfect until he came along. Until he let his asshole self come through like a wrecking ball. He had to fix it. How and what he was going to say, he had no idea. But he had to fix it.

Joe left his apartment and headed towards Evelyn's. The entire drive there, he thought about the different things he could say to try and explain all of this to her. He still wasn't a hundred percent sure as he got into the elevator and rode it up to her floor.

It took all the courage he could muster to knock on her door. He waited a few minutes, trying to remember her filming schedule. She had something this morning, but nothing the rest of the day. She should be home.

"Evelyn," he hesitantly called out. "It's me."

Another minute passed and nothing. He sighed and knocked again. "Evelyn, open the door. Please? I think. . . I really want to talk to you."

He thought about calling her but figured he'd have the same result. He knocked again, not wanting to leave. He wanted to show she was willing to fight for her. Even if that meant embarrassing himself.

Joe cleared his throat and added, "I owe you an apology, Evelyn. Please. Don't make me apologize to your door."

Joe couldn't help but jump when Evelyn's door opened. His heart sank and his throat tightened when he looked into her tear-stained eyes. Looking into her beautiful, pained eyes, he realized one horrible fact.

He did that. He put those tears in her eyes. Joe is causing Evelyn pain.

"I'm sorry."

Evelyn scoffed and turned around, walking back into her apartment.

This wasn't her. Joe caused this shift.

He walked into her apartment and found her in the kitchen. She poured herself a cup of coffee and put the pot back. Usually, she would've offered him some.

Damn, he thought. Andrew was right. He was hurting her. Now, Joe just hoped Andrew was wrong when he said it might be too late for Joe to fix this.

"Evelyn," Joe started the apology he'd been rehearsing all morning.

"Can I ask you something?" Evelyn cut him off.

"Of course," Joe said softly.

"Why the change? I feel like, and maybe I'm wrong, but things have been good. We've been hanging out more, laughing, making jokes. Things were. . . Good. But then suddenly you're back to drinking and being angry and. . . I just don't get it."

"I don't know," Joe sighed. "I wish I knew, Evelyn, but. . ."

"You do know," she said softly as she lifted her cup to her lips. "You just don't want to tell me."

Joe opened his mouth to apologize, but Evelyn cleared her throat.

"It's okay," she said even though it wasn't okay. "You can tell me when you're ready."

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