First Big Event Together

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"You sure you're okay with this?"

"I've told you at least a hundred times," Joe chuckled. "I've been to premieres before. Not as arm candy, but it shouldn't be hard. I just have to stand next to you and be handsome. Done and done."

"Ha-ha," she said sarcastically.

Joe's breath got stuck in his throat when Evelyn walked out of her bathroom.

"Can you help me with this? I can't reach the button at the back of my neck."

"Sure," he said, clearing his throat.

He stood up and wiped his suddenly sweaty hands on his suit pants. Evelyn had turned so she didn't see him shake his hands before reaching up and buttoning up the top of her dress. Joe tried to ignore the fact that his heart started beating faster as Evelyn turned around and smiled up at him.

"Evelyn! Joe! The limo's here!" Jane called from downstairs.

Joe laughed when Evelyn rolled her eyes. "What?" He asked.

"She always does this," she mumbled as she got her bag ready. "She has me wear the most expensive and extravagant dress she can find. Then she gets me private security and a big shiny limousine. It's ridiculous."

"No, it's not," Joe said, trying to make her feel better.

"She thinks I need to keep up some big facade and it's. . . Tiring."

Joe's heart sank into his stomach as Evelyn sat on the edge of her bed. He walked over and sat next to her. He didn't hesitate to reach over and grab her hand.

"I understand," he whispered. "Sometimes it's exhausting keeping up with our own facade. But you're better at it than I am."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You've kept your head above water," Joe explained. "I'm drowning in booze and parties."

Joe's heart jumped into his throat when Evelyn squeezed his hand. When he looked into her eyes, he saw just how tired she was.

"Joe," she whispered, his name getting caught in her throat.

"You okay?"

Joe hated that that was the only thing he could think to say to her. He knew she wasn't okay. He just didn't know how to help her. And he wanted to. Desperately.

"I hate this," she said under her breath. "The cameras. The questions. The attention. I'm so tired of having to put on a smile when all I want is a break."

"Why can't you take one?" Joe asked softly.

"Because Jane. . . There's always something new for me to work on. A new movie I'm being cast in. A new TV show they want me to guest star in. Another interview. Another surprise appearance. Another something. It never ends."

"Couldn't you tell Jane you want some time off?"

"Whenever I try, she has another job for me."

Evelyn got up and started to walk away, but Joe jumped up and grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Evelyn, that's not healthy," Joe said. "You've been acting since you were a teenager. And without a break? You're going to either work yourself into the hospital or work yourself crazy. You have to take a break."

The way Joe was looking at her made Evelyn's heart rate speed up. His eyes were soft and full of concern.

"Promise me you'll take a break," Joe whispered.

"I can't," Evelyn started to say before he cut her off.

"Promise me," he said a little more sternly. "This job is mentally and physically exhausting. You can't keep going without a break, Evelyn. You deserve a vacation. Promise me you'll take one. Please, Evelyn."

"I promise," Evelyn whispered.

"You two coming?" Jane yelled. "You're going to be late, Evelyn."

Joe sent Evelyn a cheezy smile as he intertwined their fingers. He turned and started leading her downstairs right as her face started to burn.

They rode to the theater in comfortable silence. Joe was thinking about making sure he was by Evelyn's side all night and Evelyn was thinking about how hard Joe insisted she take a break from Hollywood.

"Ready?" Joe asked sincerely, finally breaking their silence.

Evelyn nodded, her face burning as Joe grabbed her hand. He got out of the car and helped her out. The second they stepped out, lights started flashing like crazy.

Joe wrapped his arm around Evelyn's waist and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry. I'm right here. If it gets you too much for you, squeeze my arm and I'll escort you off the red carpet."

"Promise?" Evelyn whispered, shakily.


Joe leaned back and grabbed Evelyn's hand. She smiled when he looped her arm through his. They started walking down the red carpet, pausing at all the right spots. People shouted questions that the two ignored.

They were three photo spots away when Joe realized that Evelyn slowly started to shake. He glanced over at her but she had on her perfect Hollywood smile. Without saying anything, Joe put his hand on the small of Evelyn's back and led her off the red carpet–just like he promised.

The second Evelyn's heels were off the carpet, she let out a sigh of relief. She couldn't find her voice, so she whispered.

"Thank you."

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