Suddenly Distant. Instant Regret.

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Joe threw his head back and downed his third scotch of the night. After he FaceTimed Evelyn and Gaten interrupted them, he didn't go hang out with the cast. He went straight to a bar to try and stop the thoughts. It didn't matter how many drinks he had. His thoughts about Evelyn just increased.

More specifically, Gaten's stupid little song about Joe and Evelyn sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-something-something.

It didn't matter the amount of alcohol Joe consumed, he couldn't stop thinking about her.

He thought about her smile.

He thought about her laugh.

He thought about her beautiful, perfect self.

He thought about her amazingness.

He thought about his patheticness.

He thought about his horrible reputation.

He thought about his horrible reputation ruining her perfect reputation.

He thought about how she was too good for him.

He then remembered that they weren't really together.

She would never be with him for real.

* * * * *

A week later, Joe started going back to his usual bars, spending the whole night downing his usual drinks. He was sitting at one of his favorite bars when his phone went off. He looked down, his entire body freezing when he saw the text.

Hey, where are you?

Joe held his phone in his hand, his drunk mind trying to come up with a good response.

What do you mean?

We were supposed to have dinner. Did you forget?

Yep. Sorry.

Is everything okay?

I'm fine.

Are you sure?

Joe didn't bother to respond. His drunkness mixed with frustration, mixed with embarrassment, mixed with knowing he was wrong was not a good mix.

He started to drink more. And more. And more.

* * * * *

The next day, he woke up with a horrible hangover. He stayed in bed, not bothering to try and nurse it. A couple of hours later, someone banged on the front door. Groaning, Joe forced himself out of his bed. He wobbled down the hallway and angrily opened the door.


"Geez," Andrew scoffed. "You look like hell. What happened to you?"

"Evelyn Jones," he said through a clenched jaw. He turned around, not bothering to hold the door open for his manager.

"What are you talking about?"

"Evelyn Jones," Joe ranted as he grabbed a Gatorade out of the fridge and drank half the bottle. "You made me fake-date Evelyn fucking Jones."

"Joe, that's not a bad thing. . ."

Joe threw his half-empty bottle across the kitchen. "You!" He yelled turning around and pointing a finger at him. "You made me fake-date the perfect Evelyn Jones. Hollywood's Least Favorite Screw-up is dating Hollywood's Perfect Princess and it's messing with my head."

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