The Meeting

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"I don't get why I have to do this," Joe complained for the fifteenth time since they got in the car.

"Because," Andrew sighed, "Evelyn Jones and her manager, Jane, have agreed to help."

"I don't need help," Joe scoffed. "And I certainly don't see how the Princess of Hollywood is going to help."

They pulled up to the restaurant and Andrew turned to Joe, stopping him from getting out.

"Joe," he said as seriously as he could, "I need you to behave."

"Geez," Joe laughed. "It's not that big of a deal."

"Yes, it is," Andrew cut him off. "I'm serious. This is the last resort, alright? If you screw this up, you won't land another job."

"And Princess Hollywood is supposed to help me?"

"First of all," Andrews sighed, "please don't call her that. Especially to her face. And second of all, everyone loves Evelyn. She can get any job she wants. Directors even ask her to be in their movies. Being connected to her will help your reputation."

"Or it'll make her look like a saint because she's turning a bad boy good," Joe scoffed.

"Evelyn isn't the one who needs to be seen as a saint, Joe," Andrew said plainly. Joe just scoffed before getting out of the car.

"This isn't going to go well," Andrew mumbled as he got out and caught up to Joe.

* * * * *

The men waited in the restaurant. Andrew checked his phone and let out a sigh of relief.

"Where the hell is she?" Joe grumbled. "I thought you said we were meeting at 5:30."

"That's what I told you," Andrew said. "I told Jane and Evelyn to meet us at 6."


"Just in case."

"In case of what?" Joe sighed, his anger building.

"In case you got drunk after work. Or in case you were high. Or in case you were late. Or in case. . ."

"Okay!" Joe cut him off. "I get it."

"I beg of you, Joe," Andrew sighed, "please behave tonight. She's here to help."

"Help herself," Joe mumbled as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Help you, dumbass!" Andrew corrected.

Andrew cleared his throat and smiled when he saw Jane and Evelyn walking into the restaurant. He stood up and glared at Joe, gesturing for him to stand up. Joe rolled his eyes and Andrew turned toward the girls.

"Jane," Andrew smiled. Joe scoffed at how sweet Andrew sounded. Evelyn noticed and raised her eyebrows.

"And you must be the amazing Evelyn Jones," Andrew smiled, making Evelyn turn away from Joe.

"This is Andrew Harper," Jane introduced. "We went to college together."

"It's nice to meet you," Evelyn greeted as sweetly as would be expected.

"And this," Andrew paused when he turned and saw Joe still sitting. He cleared his throat, making Joe finally stand up.

"This," Andrew continued, "is Joe Keery. Joe, this is Evelyn Jones and her manager, Jane Baxter."

Joe just nodded and shoved his hands into his pants pockets. Andrew glanced at Jane and Evelyn, studying their expressions. Jane had a warning look on her face while Evelyn acted like she knew this would happen.

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