Early-Morning/Late-Night Facetimes

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Joe walked into his hotel room, sighing as he turned on the lights and closed the door. He put his bag on the desk and sat on the uncomfortable bed. He lay down and sighed as he stared at the ceiling.

He folded his hands on his stomach and his thoughts immediately drifted to Evelyn. She was back in LA working on another movie. Or maybe it was a TV show. He couldn't remember.

The more he thought about her, the more he wanted to see her. He hesitated for only a second before he sat up and went over to the desk.

Joe grabbed his computer and sat down. He instantly started FaceTiming her.

"Hi," she giggled as soon as her image showed up on Joe's computer.

"Hey," he said, his heart suddenly in his throat. "How was your day?"

"It's 5 in the morning," Evelyn chuckled.

"Wait," Joe stuttered, "I thought you were in LA."

"Nope," she chuckled. "I'm in London."


Joe's surprise made Evelyn smile. "I got here last night," she explained.

"How long are you there?" Joe asked.

"Not that long," she shrugged. "Just a couple of days. I'm guest-starring in a BBC show."

"That's cool."

"What?" She asked when she noted the weird look on his face.

"Nothing," he cleared his throat.

"Joe," she elongated. "What's up?"

He sighed, giving in to her innocent and curious smile. "I thought you were going to talk to Jane about taking a break. Going to London. . . That's the opposite of a break, Evelyn."

"I know," she sighed, looking down at her keyboard. "I just. . . We were. . ."

"You didn't talk to her," he sighed. "Evelyn. . ."

"I know," she cut him off. They looked up at each other with soft eyes. Joe sighed, not wanting Evelyn to think he was mad or disappointed in her.

"Look," he sighed, "I'm sorry. It's just that you're exhausted and you deserve a break. I hate seeing how tired you are, Evelyn."

"I'm going to take a break," she said quickly. "I promise, Joe. I'll talk to Jane about taking a break as soon as I'm back in the States."

"Good," he smiled as he leaned back in his chair. "So, tell me about this new job."

* * * * *

Joe and Evelyn talked for what felt like hours when in reality it was probably just one hour. They talked about her new job and Stranger Thing's next season. The whole while, Joe couldn't stop smiling.

"Joe! You here?"

Joe turned around to see Gaten walking into his hotel room. He glanced back over at Evelyn to see her smiling. He sent her an apologetic smile before turning back toward Gaten.

"What do you want?"

"We were thinking about. . . Oh, hi!" He jogged over and laughed when he saw Evelyn on the computer screen. "This must be the famous Evelyn that has got our little Joe all swoony."

"Swoony?" Evelyn giggled as she looked over at Joe.

"I'll call you tomorrow, Evelyn," Joe said, clearing his throat.

"But I want to talk to her," Gaten pouted.

"I'll call you later," Joe whispered before closing his computer. He turned toward Gaten with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What's wrong with you?" Joe scoffed as he stood up.

"You were smiling like an idiot," Gaten teased. "Still are. Evelyn's got you whipped, man!"

"Shut up," he said, jokingly pushing Gaten's forehead.

"Joey's in love!" Gaten said in a sing-songy voice. "Joey's in love!"

The more Gaten sang his little song, the weirder Joe felt. He wasn't in love with Evelyn. Sure, she was funny, down-to-earth, and absolutely gorgeous. But he wasn't in love with her. . .

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