Series! Cole x Reader }} Tell Me You Love Me

Start from the beginning

My apartment was only 2 bedrooms with 2 full bathrooms. It was small but it was modern yet cozy, I liked it that way. Cole stayed over often which never drove questions from the others because we were close friends before them. I had a pretty decently sized room though. I hand a king mattress, giant over there won't fit on a queen, and a simple dark wood head board and matching foot board and bed side tables. Black metal details around my room including my curtain rod, which held forest green black out curtains. They were open with the blinds up to let in some natural light. My comforter was white but my sheets were a lilac color, the throw pillows were a mix of lilac and one single forest green to match the throw blanket I had usually laid out at the foot of the bed. The window was to the left of the bed, if you were looking straight at it, and my desk was to the right wall, about a foot away from the door to my master bath and closet. The wall infront of the bed had a small table to hold small trinkets and pictures with a TV hung on the wall above it.

It was sunset now and a soft beam of light was in the room, showing all the little dust particles floating. I loved golden hour.

"Because they haven't heard me sing, ever. I don't want to mess this up. Plus this would technically be a reveal of who I am as an artist considering I've released music anonymously before." I huffed crossing my arms as I slumped back in my swivel chair, turning to the boyfriend in question. He gave me a smile, knowing this was stressing me out and trying to provide some comfort.

"I'm sure you'll do great."

"Not helping the words appear on the paper."

"Wasn't trying to preform magic."

"Says the one with Elemental powers."

"Right, element of the Earth. Not making pens write the thoughts in your brain." I glared at his talk backish comments. He just shrugged and threw the throw pillows on the left side of the bed, aka my side. I preferred the side farthest from the door, I have always been that way. He snuggled up to his pillow after rustling in the sheets to undo all the tucked pieces from me making the bed this morning.

"Are you seriously going to bed?" I asked, raising my brow.

"My love, I have not been getting more than 3 hours of sleep a night this past week between training and the new work the mayor put on us and the planning from this event. I have the next 3 days off before this event and I plan to spend it here, with you and your very cozy bead. Not any where near the Bounty." He said with tired eyes. I frowned as I realized how much work he was actually putting on, and felt guilt at how much I was complaining about my issue. I turned my chair to my empty paper that was taunting me.

It could wait.

I set the pen down and cleaned up my desk, throwing away the crumbled up sheets and scribbled notes I had scattered around me. Once that was done I quickly hopped in the shower to rinse off and wash my body, it was not the night to wash my hair. I got out and finished my skincare routine for the night and changed into some shorts and a tank top for pajamas, despite the cold room I had a human heater I always cuddled. I walked out of the bathroom into the room and saw Cole still awake, watching me as I walked around the bed to shut the blinds and curtains, move the pillows onto the chair the was in the right corner next to the little table (the door was on the left of the room if you look at it straight on), and crawled onto my side of the bed.

"Yay." He praised softly as I got under the covers. He gently pulled me closer to his side and cuddled me, meaning he laid his head in the crook of my neck. "I'm going to go to sleep, feel free to watch TV. It wont keep me up."

I smiled and carefully moved his head to give him a soft kiss. We held the kiss for a couple of seconds while he rubbed my side, pulling away so he could sleep he gave me a few more kisses. Pulling away for a final time tonight, we mumbled a quiet 'I love you' before he passed out. I smiled at his peaceful state, knowing it was one of the few he got. I kissed his forehead and reached over to my beside table and grabbed the remote. Turning on my current favorite show I ran my fingers through his hair with the occasional scratch. He let out a soft hum in his sleep and never woke up.

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