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I woke up the next morning next to my fiancé, both of us curled up underneath the covers. It was moments like this I was glad we got our own hotel room. I lazily drew patterns on Ethan's chest as he slowly woke up, smiling down at me as I did so. I shimmied up to put a kiss on his lips, laughing as he pulled me closer to him.

"Mm, good morning baby." I cupped his cheek.

"Good morning Y/N."

"You're in a good mood."

"Well, I woke up with my fiancée, so of course I'm in a good mood." He placed another kiss on my lips. "But every day I wake up with you is a good day."

"And now they're even better." I ran my thumb over his lips, smiling. "Because we're gonna get married."

"We are gonna get married."

"I guess we probably should post about it now, huh?"

Ethan chuckled. "I suppose we should."

I waited until Ethan grabbed his phone, adjusting the covers so we were both underneath and nothing was showing or slipping. I placed my hand with the ring on his chest and placed a kiss on his cheek as he snapped a couple of pictures, sending them all to me so we could figure out which ones we were going to post. I ended up going with the caption "oh hey, fiancé." and Ethan ended up going with "so that happened last night" and when I tell you twitter went feral, they went absolutely feral. To the point I had to silence twitter notifications completely. I sent a text to Mark to ask him what time he needed us at the venue today, and he made it very clear that we were to enjoy the day together and come to the venue at 5:30. Which was great for us, meaning we got to spend more quality time with each other.

A few hours later we finally got out of bed and got...well, I guess the best way to say it is very distracted... but eventually ended up getting ready around two. We decided to go to a local Italian place after Ethan called and made sure there were no peanuts involved in the cooking process. We decided to go matchy matchy, and I had slipped on a cute little bodycon dress that I had picked up from Target before we left, and Ethan had picked out a pair of shorts to match it. I paired it with some nude pumps so now I was almost the same height as Ethan, and let my hair fall down naturally. Ethan came to wrap his arms around me and pestered me with kisses, and I ended up threatening to smear lip gloss all over his face to get him off of me. I packed a pair of Target brand shoes that looked suspiciously like Vans for later, as well as a couple of things I needed at the venue. Ethan ended up shoving his stuff in my backpack as well and we dropped it off at Mark's room before we left, heading over to the restaurant.

The food itself was absolutely brilliant, and Ethan wouldn't let me look at the bill afterwards. We decided to go for a little walk, heading over to a park off of Anita street where we could hang out. I took a shit ton of cute polaroids of us and surprisingly did not run into any fans, but they probably knew we wanted to spend the morning together and for once were respecting our personal space. Which with Mark's fans, seemed to be a foreign concept. But I digress. Mark texted us around 5 to make sure we were gonna be there soon and we ended up leaving, taking an uber to the venue instead of walking to make sure we got there in time. I took a video of everyone lined up outside as we drove by, them freaking out when they realized it was me. We snuck inside and made our way to the dressing room, where the boys were all getting ready.

"It's about time you two got here."

"Listen, Tyler, Mark said we could come later." I dramatically rolled my eyes, flicking Tyler's forehead. "Some of us got engaged last night."

"How's it feel?"

"Weird. But a good weird." I smiled. "Did you know?"

"Absolutely not. I'm pretty sure he only told Mark."

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