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A/N: thank you to justsinping to pointing out that i had y/n put honey nut cheerios in front of ethan! this is your author's note to tell you i have finally edited it on april 6th. 

I woke up with Ethan's arms wrapped tightly around me, a small smile on his face while he slept. I turned over to look at him, placing a light kiss on his forehead as I wiggled myself out of his arms so I could go pee. Just as I was about to get out of the bed I felt a hand wrap around my wrist.

"Mmm don' go." Ethan mumbled, pulling me back towards him. "More sleep."

"You can sleep babe, I have to pee."

"No, you gotta cuddle me."

"You're a big baby." I bent down to kiss his cheek. "I'll be back in a few, okay?"

After I got an incoherent response from Ethan, I quietly made my way out of my room and into the bathroom, doing all of the things I needed to do before I went out into the kitchen. I grabbed everything I needed for the keurig, knowing that Ethan would smell the coffee and be out within the next couple of minutes. I smiled at Mark as he came in from his workout, going straight to his room to shower and change. Within minutes of the coffee brewing Ethan shuffled out into the kitchen, sitting down at one of the barstools as I placed the mug I made him down in front of him. I chuckled and grabbed the milk and creamer, setting it down on the table before I turned back around to grab the eggs.

"What is it with you and eggs?"

I turned around. "I dunno, they're easy. When Mark and I still lived in Ohio, I would help mom cook eggs every morning. It kinda became a thing."

"That's cute."

"There's probably pictures somewhere." I shrugged nonchalantly. "But besides eggs we have some cereal and I think some frozen pancakes. Or we could order out."

"Uh, I'll take some cereal."

I grabbed the box of cheerios that I bought the other day while I was out and placed it down on the table in front of him, grabbing a bowl and sliding it over to him. Grabbing three eggs I cracked them, deciding to switch it up and go with an omelette instead of scrambling my eggs this morning. I wasn't the best omelette maker, but I was getting better. Even if they still ended up breaking in half while I tried to flip them. Mark came out and the three of us fell into a nice conversation, and it was nice to see Mark and Ethan's friendship building. Something told me they'd be friends for a long time, and it made me happy to think that both Mark and I got a friend out of Ethan. To think we wouldn't be in this situation if I had never given him my number.

Mark went to go film some stuff while Ethan and I chilled in the main room, me researching cars on my laptop while reruns of Full House played on the TV as background noise. I had gotten down to two Jeeps, either the Wrangler or the Cherokee. I had always wanted a Wrangler, so I probably was going to go with that one if I were being honest. And between my savings account and what I'm making from Youtube, I'd probably be able to pay for a good chunk of my car. Mark had offered to help pay as well, calling it his "late graduation gift" since I ended up graduating a semester early. Which, wasn't that bad of a deal if I were being honest. I'd probably end up taking him up on that offer. I waited until Mark came out of his office to corner him, staring him down until he got uncomfortable.



"How much do you love me?"

"I uh... a lot?" he tilted his head to the side. "What did you do?"

"I found a car."

Ethan burst out into laughter as Mark glared at me, and it was taking me so much not to break and burst out laughing at him as well. Mark simply stared at me, his eyes narrowing.

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