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It was finally time for the tour. I knew Mark had been planning this forever, and it was for sure nerve wracking to actually be putting it on. But he knew he had all of us with him, and that we'd all be by his side every step of the way, so hopefully it would go off without a hitch. I had a feeling something interesting was going to be happening, but I couldn't put my finger on just what that interesting thing was going to be. Ethan and I said our goodbyes to Luna and made our way to the airport, meeting up with Mark and the gang before we got onto our flight. I knew I was going to miss Luna terribly while we were on tour, but Mika had offered to fly out and house sit for us so I knew Luna was going to be in good hands.

We caught up with everyone just after baggage claim, making our way through the airport to our gate. Our first stop was Dallas, Texas, which I was excited about. I had never been to Texas before, and couldn't wait to go sightseeing. I held Ethan's hand tightly as we wove through the LAX terminals, trying to keep an eye out for Mark, Bob, Tyler or Wade. Thankfully they didn't get too far ahead of us, so it wasn't too hard to find them in the end. By the time we got to our gate, we all settled in and prepared for the flight, which was going to be about three hours. I had bought a couple books for this leg of the tour, and I didn't know what Ethan had bought but I could tell he was nervous about something. I figured it was probably about going on tour, but he did keep talking to Mark about something without me, which was a bit concerning.

Tyler leaned over the back of the airport chairs. "What'cha think they're talking about?"

"I dunno, and frankly I'm a bit nervous about it." I looked back to Tyler. "What if he wants to break up with me?"

"Oh I think it's the complete opposite. Have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"I mean..." I trailed off, looking back over to Ethan. "You're not wrong."

"I wouldn't worry too much, Y/N. They're probably smoothing out bits and shit for the show."

I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of them, pulling open twitter and deciding to tweet about it. Nothing like a little humor to get through a situation, amirite?

@y/niplier: selling one boyfriend. why? he's scheming with mark and not telling me what's going on.

Before I knew it, replies started flooding in and I chuckled at a couple of them, since most of them were joking about tour. There was one that caught my eye though, and it stuck out like a sore thumb. A fan had replied and brought up the idea that Ethan was going to propose. There was no way he would propose on tour, right? It's Mark's tour. He wouldn't take the spotlight like that. And besides, he had mentioned in the past he wanted his proposal to be elegant and classy, and this tour was anything but that. I shrugged it off, screenshotting it for later just in case I needed it. I doubted I would, but at this point I knew that I should be prepared for anything and everything with the boys.

The flight to Dallas wasn't that bad, and we made our way to the hotel. Rehearsals started tomorrow, and then we officially started on the 7th. Ethan and I had opted for our own separate tour bus and hotel room... for reasons... and also so we didn't have a repeat of PAX. Although I knew Mark trusted us, I refused to have them walk in on us again. That was something I did not want to relive, thank you very much. Dinner was nice, and by the time we got to our hotel room I pretty much had clonked out. Ethan ended up helping me shower and get into my jammies, mainly because I was too tired to shower on my own. The next day we woke up bright and early, heading downstairs for breakfast before everyone else woke up. We decided to go out to The Biscuit Bar, since the pictures made it look cute on google. By the time we got all finished Mark had texted us that they were heading to the venue and that they'd meet us there, which meant we had approximately two hours to dick around for the vlogs we were doing before they realized we hadn't shown up yet. According to google maps there was a cute little park nearby, so we decided to go over there and spend a bit more time to ourselves before we got swept into the whirlwind that was touring the United States.

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