Áis Cyborg 101(P. 3: They Meet..)

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William had been living a pretty good life, though he had to hide his eye. But that wasn't hard, all he had to do was cover his eye with his hair which he already did to begin with. One day when he was on his way back to his house, he wasn't really paying much attention, as he was lost in his thoughts. Because of this, he ended up bumping into someone, causing him to stumble back a little as well as the other. I'm so sorry. No, no. It's my fault. I should have payed attention to where I was walking. They looked up and met each other's gaze. William was stunned. 'He's so.. pretty...' William snapped out of his thoughts as the man spoke again.

Uh.. my name is Henry. He spoke with a soft and warm smile, and the way his ocean blue and orange eyes along with his pale skin shimmered in the sun. The light brown freckles that dusted his face, they were barely noticeable but William could spot things easier than normal people because of the whole cyborg eye thing. And even though it was being covered really well, it could still be used as if it wasn't. William, he finally spoke. William was admiring Henry's eyes, intrigued by his different coloured eyes. I like the way your eyes are coloured, he says bluntly before he notices a quick and small glitch in Henry's eye. His eyes widened for a moment, but shook his head coming to the conclusion that he was just imagining it.

Thank you. I also like your eyes, they're quite unique. I don't believe I have ever seen anyone with yellow eyes. Um, do you maybe want to get some lunch and talk? Sure, and with that being said, they went to a small restaurant nearby and got to know more about each other. They both warmed up to the other quickly and found that they had a lot in common. After that day, they started hanging out more, though every once in a while, William would notice Henry's eye slightly glitch. That's when William started getting curious 'cause now he knew he wasn't imagining it, so why would he see the glitches?

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