No Regret (A Rap Composition)

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Hello, it's me again. Well, I assume that you've read the past works I have published here in this book, so this work here, this one in specific, is gonna be a different swipe of piece I have written. This is made for a rap song actually, which I just recently created three weeks ago, while having some beer sessions (sorry for being blunt) with a friend who just got off from a one-year relationship... So, I wrote this stuff, while I listened to him ramble about his ex and then... This was the result... And I hope you'd like this because it's the first rap lyrics I had ever made... Just random words and all but a bit of a poetry on the side because I was too drunk to think straight that night...

So there, have fun reading this and please give me your reaction about it. I would really appreciate if you give me a response. Thanks.




See the streets lighting up like the first eve of January,

Feel the rhythm of the winds blowin' and blowin'; a mystery.

Taste the sourness of the atmosphere bringing cold,

Hear the silence of the defeanin' evening bold.

I don't know where you are but I want you here,

I want to feel your warmth once more... to be sure you're still mine.

But you're gone nowhere...

Where are you now?

I'm in panic here...

Why did you leave me behind?

Why did you cut me the line?

Hurting... Hurting is to feel it,

To realize that we're still imperfect,

Pain is to remember life is existing,

I'm still living yet slowly dying,

My breath catches... I can't keep myself now

You take me for granted,

I don't like this moment I'm in now.

Shut up! Don't talk. Please stop explainin',

YOu have given me enough reason to start cryin',

Cause this believing I was here trustin',

You have erased it, now I am withdrawin'

From all my hatred,

All things we wasted.

Take this thing out off of me,

I don't want to love you like I ever did.

I want to forget you, rememberin' how I hold you,

That night of February under the bright moon.

I loved you, but now I hate you more;

Soon I just want to leave you alone, and all;

Cause this pain... This ache,

I need to forget.

I must move on from you,

I must make it,

No regrets.


And there you have it! How was it? Was it fine?

I am a bit inspired actually by Eminem here with this lyrics so feel free to listen to the music vid I just attached in this chapter. Thank you for reading :) And Have Fun!


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