After Death There is Love- chp 2

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Chapter 2

Angelina groaned when she heard Katie's voice on the other end of the door. She was in no mood for company, not that she had been since the war ended. She covered her head with her pillow and stayed quiet, in hopes that Katie would just give up and go away. NO such luck, the next thing Angelina saw was her door in pieces next to her bed. Angelina, however did not budge. Katie walked in and sat on the edge of her and pulled the pillow off her head.

"You sulking all day, not eating and not taking care of yourself will not bring Fred back Angelina. You have blown off every outing we invited you to, every outing any one invites you to and you're about to lose your captaincy for Merlin's pants! You're acting worse than George is, and he lost his twin. We all miss him Lina...but we have to move on.." Katie brushed a bit of her friend's messy hair back and realized that Angelina had started crying again.

"Oh sweetie, I'm not saying this to hurt you, we all just want our Angelina back. I don't think Fred would like seeing you like this..."

"Fred..Fred's dead, he doesn't know whats going on with me, he'll never know..not now.." Angelina's words were filled with sorrow, Katie could hear it in her voice and couldn't think of anything to say to maybe make her friend feel better.

"Lee is on his way over here. Alicia and Ginny are cleaning up the shop. We finally coaxed George to reopen, isn't that great Lina?"

Angelina shrugged. Katie sighed.

"Why don't you go take a shower and I'll help you clean up before Lee gets here, then we can all go over to 3W and help with the reopening process, hmm..sounds good?" Angelina only shrugged again, but this time she got out of bed and head to the bathroom. Maybe helping out at Weasley's would take her mind of her pain.

Katie immediately got to work cleaning Angelina's flat up. Finally something he mother always griped about paid off. She was quite good with all the house hold spell and even managed to repair Angelina's door. Not long after she finished cleaning the flat, there was a knock at the door.

"Angelina? Katie? It's me Lee!" Came Lee Jordan's voice from the other side of the door. Katie hurried to the door and open it then flung herself into Lee's arms. He hugged her close and soothed her hair back as she sobbed quietly.

"She's hurting so bad and there is nothing I can do about it, if you had died...I don't know what I would have done.."she sobbed. Lee gently pulled her off of him and held her in front of him so he could look in her eyes.

"I don't want you thinking like that O.k? I'm here and that is all that matters." He used his thumb to wipe her tears away and smiled at her.

"Angelina will be fine. She just needs good friends and that's what we will be." He kissed her but was interrupted by someone clearing her throat. They quickly broke apart and saw Angelina standing at the entrance of the bathroom in her bathrobes.

"Lina!!" Lee said rushing over to her and lifting her off her feet in a tight hug.

"You're a sight for sore eyes." Angelina smiled but did not reply. He set her down and beamed at her.

"I'm going to get dressed, be out in ten." She walked to her closet, then back to the bathroom shortly after with clothes in hand.


The three friend entered Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes and was greeted by a loud bang as Ginny accidentally knocked a few boxes off a shelf while manually dusting. The next thing Angelina felt were arms wrapped tightly around her.

"Oh Lina! You're here! I missed you!" Alicia said excitedly. Angelina gasped for air.

"Alicia..I..cant..breathe.." Angelina managed to get out as Alicia held her in a tight death hug grip.

"Oh, I'm sorry Lina, it's great to see you. We've all missed you."

"That's right!" Ginny said from the top shelf. Angelina looked around the store, someone was missing.

"Where's George?" she asked looking around still.

"He's upstairs in his flat. Jennifer is upstairs with him." Ginny answered. Alicia and Katie looked at each other then made a face.

"Jennifer is here?" Lee asked, a huge grin spreading across his face. Katie glared at him.

"What's it to you if Jennifer is here?" she asked piercing him with her eyes. Lee stepped back.

"Nothing Love," The others all laughed,even Angelina, for the first time in months. It felt weird to smile. Her face had been sad for so long that a smile felt foreign to face.

"So who is Jennifer?" Angelina asked after a while.

"Well.."Katie began

"She lives in the house closest to the Burrow. She has liked George for years but he is far to clueless to notice anything," Ginny answered cutting Katie off.

"She has been coming around a lot trying to comfort him, but George is completely closed off. It's tearing Mum apart seeing him hurt so much. Angelina's mouth formed a wide O but she said nothing.

She had been so caught up in her own sorry that she barely stopped to think about how George must be feeling. They had all been best friends since their first years but Fred and George shared a womb. It must be hurting worse than she was. She wanted to go talk to him, but decided against it.

"Right Lina?" Lee was saying.

"Huh..what?" Angelina asked. She had been too caught up thinking about George's feelings to hear a word of what her friends were saying.

"You'll be at the Christmas get together right? Mrs.Weasley is hosting a get together with all the Order members and friends of family and stuff. She sent you an owl but you never replied." Lee repeated. Everyone was looking at her. She wasn't ready to be at the burrow just yet. It held too many memories for her, but could she say no? She shrugged.

"I guess." Alicia and Katie both squealed and went to hug her. __________________

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