Chapter 1 (The mystery begins)

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Yesterday was Lorelei and Asher's one month. It wasn't only their one month but it was also Valentine's Day, but sadly they hardly got to talk that day cause his dad made him go to his Beachhouse. The only reason they didn't get to talk much that day is cause his beach house contains of no service and no Wi-Fi, except for in the garage of his Beachhouse.

He was coming home that day so it was ok-ish. They got to FaceTime when he got home.
Anyways enough about that let's get into the real story that's supposed to be being told.

One day Lorelei got this strange call, She wasn't sure if she should answer it but she did.
She answered it and she said. Hello? Who is this? Nobody replied.
Then all of a sudden right as she was going to hang up. She heard a voice a weird like whisper and it said. I know your secret and then hung up. She tried to call the number back, but it said the number didn't exist which was odd. Since the number just called her, and now is calling her again. She picked up and screamed into the phone.
But then once again the creepy sly whisper said I know your secret, and hung up.

Lorelei was so creeped out she called her boyfriend, and told him what had happened. He was silent for a second then finally said quietly as possible, but Lorelei Couldn't hear him so she said what? Then silence fell once again for a couple seconds. Then finally he screams CALL THE COPS LORELEI NOW! Why? DON'T ASK QUESTIONS DO IT! Fine. She never call the cops cause she thought everything was fine.
Asher called an hour later, he asked if she had seen his best friend JD. Since he's usually with her best friend Jacston, But she hadn't seen JD today and Jacston was with her at the time. Asher decided to call JD but that was no answer.
Asher started to get worried because JD always answers. Lorelei then said Asher he must be really busy, but he always answers he said maybe this is a...

Before she could finish she got a call from an unknown number. She answered it and it was the creepy guy again, but this time he said I have your friend. Lorelei's Jaw dropped. And she finally said who are you? Where is he? Let him go. Then the creepy guy said come find him, I see you. Then he laughs creepily. The thing was though is when he said I see you, you can hear JD screaming and crying for help asking to be left free. Then all of a sudden the phone fell and JD was silent. Lorelei then hung up and called Asher and she told him you know how that creepy guy was calling me an hour ago. Yeah he said, well he has JD. HE HAS JD!!!!Asher scream. Yeah. She said, we need to go find him now!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how.

They had no idea what to do, they were really worried about him. Asher was pacing back-and-forth and back-and-forth.
It was now dark and silence fell. Then Asher said I'm not going home until we find him. Me neither Lorelei said.

Silence fell once more then all of a sudden a weird little light went on in the middle of the field they looked but nobody was there. So they continue to research what to do. They then heard a big bang so their head shot up and they looked around but yet again they saw nothing. So they once again went back to their research.

Lorelei then felt something touch her shoulder. So then she looked at Asher and said stop that not right now. Then he said that wasn't me.

It wasn't Lorelei said with a scared tone to her voice. No he said. Then what was it? I have no clue. They then continued their research and then she felt it once again she then looked back and there was this old lady about 80 years old, but she wasn't any normal old lady there was something off about her.

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