[16] - All for a backpack

Start from the beginning

"There you are" I said and ran towards it to pick it up.

"It's only a backpack" Felix said when he saw my reaction.

"You have never even looked into it right? You would be shocked to see what kind of backpack this is, it's not only a backpack, I can tell you that" I explained to him.

"It's a Dora the explorer kids backpack right? Or am I hallucinating?" Changbin asked the three other boys with low voice.

"It may not look like much on the outside, but trust me, this backpack is extraordinary" I said.

They all though I was crazy I swear, even the guard looked at me like I was a freak. He was also looking impatient. "Can I go now?" He asked.

"You really expect us to just let you go? And tell everyone we've escaped? Definitely not" I said, finding it amusing how pathetic this guard was.

He looked back at us with big and pleading eyes.

An idea popped into my brain. "Hey I really like your clothes" I said to him.

He looked confused from the comment. "You do?" He asked hesitant.

"Yeah, they would fit really great on me" I said.

"I'm not so sure about that" at least the guard was honest.

I chuckled. "No maybe not, but they could help me get out of here" I said with a shrug.

"I like how you're thinking, but how are you planning on hiding your backpack?" Hyunjin asked.

I thought about it for a second. "His clothes are big right, I can just hide it underneath" I said with a shrug.

The others looked a bit skeptical but didn't say anything else.

"Yeah but we need more people then" Changbin said.

"Are you just gonna leave him in exchange for his clothes though?" Minho asked.

I looked at the guard with a smile. "Nah, I think we should knock him out either way" I said.

He looked scared now all of a sudden.

"If you say so" Changbin said and knocked him out with only a few punches to the head while Minho and Hyunjin held him still.

"One down, four to go" I said.


All five of us left the storage room quietly, dressed up with the same clothes as the guards. They were a bit big on most of us. We weren't exactly the tall bunch, well except Hyunjin was kind of tall. On me the clothes were around 5 sizes too big and hung everywhere. The jacket almost reached my knees before I tucked it into the pants, the belt on the pants I had to tie so hard to have them just stay up.

We did run across a woman too, and her clothes would probably fit me better, but then I couldn't hide the backpack.

Our own clothes were stuffed in the backpack that was so useless, just like me, who came up with this idea... well according to Felix that is.

We made sure to close the door behind us completely. We didn't want others seeing our collection of unconscious guards without clothes.

It sounds worse than it is... don't take it the wrong way, they're all wearing underwear and a shirt.

We walked trough the corridors, trying to not look weird and suspicious. And I must say we did quite well. It was just the baggy clothes that looked a bit too odd.

At last we found our way to the exit. The doors lead out to the same square as the one we'd been on before when we got caught.

"I can't remember last time I saw daylight" Minho said and looked emotionally at the sky.

The Arcade || Lee Felix (rewritten version)Where stories live. Discover now