"Thank you sugar," He said and looked her right in the eyes. Evelyn stared back at him enjoying seeing the deep-colored eyes watch her. In a way he made her feel like everything would be okay, whatever happens.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked softly when he had let her eat half of the soup. Evelyn nodded and smiled lightly.

"Yeah, much better" she whispered embarrassedly that she had been captured in a lie. Jeremiah on the other hand was only pleased that he had made a difference.

"Good. My mother used to make my food whenever I felt sick or down" Jeremiah shared as he took a spoon of the delicious soup. Evelyn looked around the kitchen for a few seconds before talking.

"You must be used to being in the kitchen. I guess she influenced you" Ev said with a sweet smile playing on her lips. Her hair lay against her shoulders framing her face and her beautiful green eyes watched the biker carefully but gently.

"Yeah, it has always been me and my mother in the kitchen. She has been the one teaching at least seventy percent of what I can do today" Jeremiah said with a big smile on his lips as he thought about his mother and him. He always missed the times they could stand in the kitchen for hours talking and cooking but ever since she got sick she hasn't had the power to cook that long, nowadays Jeremiah cooked her food for her.

"She must be lucky to have you as her son then, it would be boring if she got a son that wasn't interested in cooking, right?" she said a bit jokingly showing J her usual ways. It pleased him to see her being herself again.

"I'm the best right?" Jeremiah said cooky making her laugh while shaking her head.

"I knew I would regret adding to your ego," Evelyn said making the biker laugh out loud. It was nice to be able to laugh with her, Jeremiah thought as he watched her smiling down her bowl and chuckling for herself.

"I was wondering where you were, almost got used to the silent," A voice said from the doorway making the two turn and look at the president lean against the doorway. A smirk was playing on his lips showing his white teeth.

"You will never get used to that with me around you," Ev said and took another spoon of her soup.

"I guess you are right," Jax said and kicked himself out of the doorway. He walked over to the boxes on the ground with the items.

"Inspecting the bottles again I see," He said deeply before turning to Jeremiah with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I'm helping Jeremiah organize them... Didn't feel like hanging out with you all day" Ev said and jumped down from the counter to place the bowl by the sink.

"You hurt my feelings," Jax said playfully, placing a hand against his chest. Evelyn gave the biker an ironic smile before starting to clean her things.

"Well, I guess I could go away and enjoy the quiet while it last," Jax said chuckling for himself. He didn't miss the burning glare he got from the detective before he turned the corner and disappeared from the kitchen.

"I don't know how he does it. He makes me irritated and laugh at the same time" Evelyn growled out and looked over at Jeremiah who couldn't help but giggle by the stove.

"He has that effect on people," he says and justifies her feelings. Ev smiled at him before placing the clean bowl and spoon in their places.

Hidden secrets (Rider of Poseidon #2)Where stories live. Discover now