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I look through the window watching the white puffs of clouds passing through the plane as my whole body jittered. It's finally the day we leave for Hawaii and have two weeks off vacation to celebrate Rex and I's engagement. Grandpa had booked us first class for everyone and almost had taken the total seats with a large group like us. My son and his cousins are taking a jet with Grandpa back to London. However, I'm excited about this trip and still worried about being away from my baby boy.

The instincts of a mother are kicking, and the nervous jitter starts.

"Excited?" Rex took his seat after he went to the restroom.

"Yes, I am." Taking his large hand into mine and the nervousness faded away. "Do you think Jacob is going to be okay without us?"

"You know he's fine with Papa Odin," patting my hand. "He will be well taken care of and also the kids. They have each other."

"I know Claire wanted to take Leo with us, but we will spend a lot of time. Adult times," I wiggle my brow and lean in for a kiss. As our lips locked, I released a soft moan.

"Can you two go do that in the cockpit? Or somewhere else so nobody can see you two get freaky," Seth bellow behind us as Rex and I stop kissing. Rex growled, and I sighed.

"Seth, be nice," Terry says to her fiancé. "This is their engagement. Let them be romantic."

I never thought I would hear Terry say that for once. After all, she has been through, pretending to be a guy for so long and making Seth doubt his sexuality, everything went great. She has finally become the woman she was meant to be and tied down on playboy Seth.

"If they wanted to spend alone time together, we should have gone to Universal Studios in Orlando with Poppy."

"Poppy is fine with the kids, and since she's the eldest, she will be watching them."

"I wanted to see Wizarding World," Seth claims. "Poppy and I binge-watched all the Harry Potter movies we planned a date."

"During Thea and your brother's engagement party?" Thea rolls her eyes. "We can go after we celebrate their engagement."

"Then will you wear a Slytherin uniform I brought for you for this trip?"

I shift in my seat and peek over. "You brought a Harry Potter costume for this trip."

"What? I brought my Gryffindor uniform. We are going to act a forbidden romance between the two houses."

"Oh gross," Liam gagged next to him, making Lily giggle. "No one wants to hear that, bro."

"Sometimes I feel like Mom had dropped him secretly without Dad and I noticing," Rex whispers, making me laugh.

"Hey fuck off; I have my fantasy; you guys have yours." Seth slumped in his seat, pouting like a child as Terry consoled him with a kiss on his cheek which made his frown turn up.

"I cosplayed once," Ares announces out of the blue. "I wore a white tux, with a black dress shirt and tie. Looking like James Bond."

I shift in my seat to look at Ares. "What you wore was your communion outfit. That wasn't cosplaying."

"I still look good in a white tux." Ares made his finger into a gun and made firing bullet sounds.

I roll my eyes.

"Can you guys stop arguing and relax before we land," Claire steps into the aisle, holding her swollen belly. She's only a few months away before she pops a baby out.

I guess she went to the restroom to pee.

I stand up and look over at Effie and Logan's seats; they have their headphones on and watching a movie on Effie's iPad. They are laughing and giggling there.

REX (Book Five)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora