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Disclaimer: These are all snippets of Draco's life that he told me in confidentiality and I'm sharing them with you becuase i'M nOt lIke oTheR gIrlS #rulebreaker #specialsnowflake ♥️💓💓♥️♥️♥️♥️ 
Enjoy 😩🥺💀✨😏💖

One day when Draco was 3 years old his mommy left to get nail polish remover and never came back.

His father said that if Draco turned out to be hot in his 6th year he'd have to join Voldy Baldy and the Incredible Forces of Evil and Desruction. So Draco worked out 27 hours a day and drank only protien shakes and perfected his fuckboy face in front of his My Little Pony portble mirror.

Draco had a fling with an apple at some point. 

Another pivitol point in Draco's life was when he met his bestie. Grhass. A blade of grass. 

How Ghrass and Draco met was: Ghrass had a huge pile of books in her hands. They were blocking her vision and so when she pproached a rock she didn't see it, tripped over it and dropped all her AP vegan cooking books. 

Draco saw this and becuase he's a gentalmun he helped her pick them up. Their eyes met. She smiled and thanked him. Her beautiful voice and bright smile were enough to melt a stick of cold butter.  They were also enough to ignite a spark of platonic friendship that they would maintain untill Ghrass had to go to prep school in France. She got married there at a vineyard. 

Draco wondered what would've happened if Ghrass had stayed. Maybe Ghrass would stilll hang out with him rather than have to take care of her 15.7 children and only have Virginia Woolf books to read becuase her husband was questioning his sexuality and bought all Woolf's books. 


The loss of Ghrass the blade of grass changed Draco. He didn't make friends easily anymore, mainly because people avioded Malfoy Manor because Dobby was a whore and also because Draco was scared all his friends might all leave him to learn French ettiquite and marry a Frenchman who owned six marshmello packaging factories along with two farms that raised corn and grew cows. 

And then...

One day

His mom came back.

"Oh my god! The make-up shop is so far away! That's why I was gone 8 years." She said.

Draco giggled and agreed that the shop was indeed too far away. They tap danced and drank tea and crumpets and then Draco left for his first year at Hugjgjworts. 

At Hagwrraoats Draco got the ladies swooning. They piled up in front of his dorm in their best Powerpuff merch because Draco, at the time was woring for an MLM that sold Powerpuff merch and he sold it to smitten teenagers.  

But Draco was depressed emo loner goth sad angsty and would be for the rest of his acedemic career and also in the three years he spends in rehab for repeatedly trying to date fruits resembling apples but never apples themselves. It was too painful to date any apple that wasn't her.

And the reason that he was so depressed loner emo goth depressed sad was because something happened. Something that changed him forever. He would never be the same again after that.




What I'm doing now is called a 'cliffhanger' it's when I don't tell you shit and leave it for the next chapter because I have writers block <3

Draco Malfoy The Emo Loner And Quirky Y/n  SlanderWhere stories live. Discover now