Chapter 7

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The first date was a success they shared food and stories, they spoke about almost everything to do with both of there lives, as well as touching the surface on past relationships.

Jenna could see that Dec had been hurt before, he had reservations for trusting anyone into his life, unsure of there intentions, on whether or not they were going to stay around for him or for his fame.

Dec could see that Jenna had also been hurt before, her ex had cheated on her and she took some time out of dating to try and fix herself after he broke her so badly. She said she found it hard to trust people and that was something she had been working on.

For two people whose worlds couldn't be more different they were so similar. They both found it so easy to open up and talk about things, seeing a mirror image of themselves in one another.

When Dec had dropped Jenna home at the end of the night he had said to himself he wouldn't make any moves, just a kiss on her cheek and then he would ask her out again.

When Jenna thought about the end of the evening she thought she wouldn't show too much eagerness, a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then they would speak over message, where it was safer. Where she didn't see those crystal blue eyes, that chiselled jaw, the deep hair falling around his face, where she could gather her thoughts and act on practicality and not impulse.

However as they are in the car outside of her home she leans forward to give him a hug goodbye and his smell is intoxicating.

As they pull away from each other Dec's beard brushes against Jenna's cheek, and they face one another lips almost touching and any previous plans are dashed.

Dec's lips connect with Jenna's softly at first, feeling how warm and smooth they are, how sweet her kisses feel. They break away from one another as Jenna puts her hand upon Dec's cheek and pulls him in again, this time the kiss is more sensual, more driven, she moves her lips against his and puts her hand upon the back of his neck.

Dec's arm stays connected to her back from there hug but his other hand is now in her hair, holding her close to him. Both tongues are teasing one another, neither wanted to make the first move as they touch, electricity sparking between them as they swirl together. Feeling and tasting one another.

As the pace slows back down, Jenna takes the opportunity to place a couple of small kisses upon those lips she has wanted to kiss since day one. Dec obliges by placing small kisses himself upon Jenna's lips which is all he has thought about since that car park.

When they finally break away from their kiss, they are both smiling at one another. Jenna reaches for the door handle and turns back to look at Dec when she is stood outside the car.

"Goodnight" she smiles.

"Goodnight" Dec smiles back.

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