Chapter 3

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It had been 3 weeks since Jenna was rescued in the car park by Dec, and she honestly couldn't stop thinking about him.

She didn't really see many desirable men wandering around the streets at that time of night, especially sober and there was just something so endearing about him. She had told Lara about it after it had happened and, always the romantic, Lara thought this was a sign for her.

"Oh god Jen, what if he's your one? What if that was the universe crossing your paths, making you meet, sending you signs that you needed each other right at that moment" Lara rambled on during their Friday evening shift. She had this rose-tinted view of love, how even if a customer looked at her for just a second too long, she was already planning her wedding to them. She loved her outlook but that just wasn't me.

"No Lara, it was a flat battery that bought us together, one that cost me a considerable amount of money to fix" she remarked "so unless your universe has some way of refunding me the money back for my shitty car then I think we just leave the universe out of this!"

The restaurant was surprisingly quiet this Friday, so it didn't take long for Jenna to see him walking through the front door, waiting at the front to be seated with 2 of his friends. That same tall stature was now imposing in the room, and he was wearing a printed jumper that looked so good on him.

He was seated near the window, looking around the restaurant, scanning for something or someone. She grabbed Lara's arm and pulled her to the back.

"Lara, Dec has just walked in, the lad who helped me fix my car. Shit, what do I do?" feeling a flush cover her cheeks and a bead of sweat drip down my back.

They lent out of the back so she could see where he was sat and that's when they locked eyes. A smile crept up his beautiful face and she felt her face mimic his.


It had been 3 weeks since Dec had rescued Jenna from the car park, and he honestly couldn't stop thinking about her.

He had said to his friends James and Kyle about going out for some dinner, suggesting Lucinda's.

"You only want to go there so you can see that girl you've been going on about," laughed James.

"Her name is Jenna" replied Dec. Yeah, he was completely right, it was just to see Jenna, but he just wanted to see her face one more time to see if he felt that spark, he felt the other night.

After being seated at the restaurant he scanned the room looking for her and then he locked his eyes upon hers. A smile had crept across his face, and he watched as her beautiful face mimicked his smile. 'Fuck' he thought, this could be something.

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