We arrive at Lee Jeno's parents' house, the party already in full swing. As expected, Jaemin and Sera disappear as soon as we enter, and I feel Chaerin grab hold of my hand.

"Relax, Chae," I mutter. "You'll be fine."

Based off the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke in the air, I assume that his parents aren't home. The house— mansion, more like— gives us space to walk around easily even with the mass of bodies around us, and soon I manage to navigate my way to the kitchen where there is considerably lesser people. Chaerin instantly lets go of my hand as she makes a beeline towards the drink table, picking up a bottle of beer for herself while I settle on a can of Coke.

"You're not drinking?" She asks me as we lean against the counter.

I shrug, bringing the can to my lips as I take in the sharp taste of the drink. "Don't feel like it."

Chaerin bops her head to the music, and I see her wave to a group of people whom I don't recognise. Chaerin has a lot of friends outside of our small circle, I'm not surprised, and soon she is engaged in a conversation with them while I stand at the side.

I don't really mind— in fact, I like not having to succumb to the pressure of talking to new people. I scan the kitchen, not really knowing what to do, when my eyes fall on a familiar face.

"Hi, gorgeous." Lee Haechan strides up to me with a playful smirk on his face. He's alone today, and I want to ask him on the absence of his missing counterpart, but I stop myself.

"Wow, an upgrade? What gives?" I tease instead.

Haechan shrugs. "You look really nice today."

I smile. "Thank you, as do you. Though..." I trail off before looking to my right where Chaerin is standing.

She catches my gaze just as she bids her friends goodbye, and her eyes soon form into slits when she notices who is standing with us.

"Are you serious?" She exclaims, and I stifle a laugh.

"Wow, Cherry. I know you're obsessed with me, but really? If you wanted to match, you could've just asked."

Just like my roommate, Haechan is dressed in a black leather jacket and a pair of skinny jeans. Unlike the usual, his dark hair is styled to reveal his forehead, and even though I don't like him like that, I have to admit that he does look stunning.

Before Chaerin could utter a reply, a familiar head of blue hair walks in, and I can feel my roommate tense beside me.

"Haechan- oh, hey, Chaerin. You came." Lee Jeno gives my roommate his infamous eye smile before his eyes flutter to mine, smiling at me as well as a form of greeting. I return his smile, and I can kind of see now why so many girls like him. If it weren't for the music, I'm sure I would have already heard the thumping of Chaerin's heart.

Hell, his smile got me nervous, and I don't even like him like that.

"Jeno, hey," my roommate says coolly despite how skittish I know she must feel. "Cool party."

Jeno gives her a grin before he scans the room. "I would ask if I could get anything for you guys to drink, but seems like you got that covered. We have some snacks around if you get hungry, though."

"Yeah, for sure! Hey, thanks for inviting us."

"Of course. Find me before you leave, yeah?" Jeno says, and from my peripheral vision I see Chaerin nod as she grins widely. Happiness looks good on her, I think to myself.

Jeno turns to Haechan. "The boys are looking for you in the game room."

"Yeah, I'll meet you guys there." Haechan says mindlessly to Jeno, the hockey captain nodding and giving us a small wave before disappearing into the crowd.

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