Chapter 10 Stop it Rainbow dash I said NO !

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Rainbow dash was buying food in the super market. Pinkie pie kept her company. Pinkie helped Rainbow dash by giving tips on how to get Flutter shy.

Rainbow dash you know what maybe instead of giving her flowers how about you give her love poems that you made yourself .

Love poems isn't gonna solve anything Pinkie !

Don't talk to me like you know better ! I already have my volt friend so I know got that !

Yes yes miss Pie what's the next boring lesson ?

Well Rainbow now that I have a colt friend I can finally say this without you getting mad at me !

What ?

I lovED! you but now I don't because I LOVE Cheese sandwich more !

YOU WHAT !?!?!?

Hey I said not anymore !

Well I love Flutter shy with all my heart and soul . I was heart broken when she broke up with me. I felt like a devil inside.

I will always love my beautiful Flutter shy . I never want to loose her again. I promise not to break her heart again .

I just wish I could bring back the past but I can't but if I could I want to make it up to her .

Give her anything she wants treat her as a very special pony that I loved.

The whole ponies that was buying stopped anything that hey are doing and turned their focus to Rainbow dash.

Rainbow dash continued as if she's talking to Flutter shy herself.

I love you Flutter shy and I will never do anything to hurt you. Can't you see that I love you very much !

Flutter shy your stare is too beautiful that's why animals obey you. Flutter shy your pink mane sparkles every time I see you.

I love your yellowish coat it's so beautiful. But remember nothing can compare with your beauty .

Flutter shy you light up my life you gave me purpose to love . Without you I will be nothing. Flutter shy I LOVE YOU !!!

Every pony gasped and clapped as if Rainbow dash was on stage performing. Some ponies cried because of the speech.

But what Rainbow dash didn't know is that Flutter shy was there to.

Flutter shy felt a little guilty for breaking up with her that moment. But she's still afraid that Rainbow dash will do the same like what happened to her.

She went back to her cottage. Her friends cheered her up a little especially Burt.

We can't do nothing to cheer Flutter shy up ! RF help! You need to read her mind !

Hmm... She remembered her past she can't get over it . She also feels guilty.

Well what are you guys waiting for let's turn that frown upside down !!! Burt said shouting at the 2.

OK! Cloudy puff used her magic to make cake for her to cheer up. Burt also used his magic to help cloudy puff.

RF in the other hand tried to read more about Flutter shy's past . She knew that the only thing that makes her happy is to have Rainbow dash back but she's still afraid it will happened again.

She never told anyone about this she and of coarse Flutter shy is the only one who knows about it.


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