Chapter 4 - The Italian Rats

Start from the beginning

Ciel: "Am I undone?"

Later, when most of the guests left.

Sebastian: "Your tea. We have a special Darjeeling blend to offer from Fortnum and Mason today."

Lau: "Smells lovely... tea can be excellent when made well."

Madam Red: "Grell."

Grell: "Uh- yes, my lady."

Madam Red: "Learn something from Sebastian."

Grell: "Yes..."

Madam Red: "Just look at him..."

She began rubbing his backside.

Madam Red: "I mean... this physique! You should quit this country job and come work for me in the city!"

Zuli: "Ahem! Madam Red..."

Madam Red: "Oh, sorry, dear. I couldn't help it. He looked like he needed a physical. Just a doctor's habit~"

Zuli: "Riiight..."

Lau: "So, do you believe the drug trafficker you're after was one of your guests today?"

Zuli: "Hmm-"

Ciel: "Perhaps."

Madam Red: "Why not leave the extermination to Lau...? A rat knows best where a rat's nest is, doesn't he?"

Lau: "I'm but a tame guinea pig dedicated to my lord."

He put his hands on our heads.

Zuli: "Right... and I'm the queen of England."

Ciel: "Zuli."

Zuli: "Madam Red has a point though, Ciel. Why not leave this to Lau? I mean, fight fire with fire and all that."

Lau: "If the earl instructs me not to act... I'm bound to do nothing."

Madam Red grabbed Ciel and I and held us securely.

Madam Red: "Watch it! You'd best keep your filthy paws off my darling niece and nephew!"

Lau: "You wound me! I would never paw at them in their own home, dear Madam."

She dropped us.

Madam Red: "Are you saying you would if you were elsewhere?! Careful, you're on thin ice now, sir!"

Zuli & Ciel: "Ugh... relatives..."

We stood up.

Ciel: "Zuli, may I speak with you alone?"

Zuli: "Of course."

We left Lau and Madam Red to their bickering.

Ciel: "What did you mean, back there?"

Zuli: "Where? About what?"

Ciel: "What you said to Azzurro."

Zuli: "Perception, Ciel... I simply couldn't help but notice him grit his teeth when you mentioned your 'storehouse key'."

Ciel: "Hm...."

Zuli: "I'm just saying, be careful."

Ciel: "I'm always careful."

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