"She should have delt with what she did to me, she should have fucking suffered like I did she was a monster." I tell her.

"I get it, I do." She says and I sighed at this.

"What are your dreams of exactly?" She asked and I look to the side a bit and place my hands on my hips then look to her.

"I am standing over her with a bat in my hand... I was gripping it tightly... my knuckles were turning white from how hard I was griping it." I tell her an I look at the floor.

"Then the bat turned into a knife and I was basically carving her up... leaving cuts all over her face, cutting her up like a fucking animal, but just her face, it's always her face nothing else... to the point she is unrecognizable... then there is a... machete on a table to the side... I pick it up and whack her with it a few times too... but this time on her arms and legs... cutting them off as she screamed for me to stop... but I didn't." I tell her and I rubbed my neck.

"Anything else?" She asked and I look to her.

"In another dream... I had a rope in my hand... and I put the rope around her neck and pulled it hard... really hard... and I tied her to..." I stopped and took a breath and looked to Clementine and I paced the room a bit.

"To a truck and I got in it, an drove... for how long I don't know but I know it made her suffer... made her... hurt." I tell Clem and she looks at me with a bit of shock in her face and I take a breath.

"I just... wanted her to suffer." I tell her.

"But like that?" She asked.

"She put me in a room with a Walker, with no weapon and no way out, she cut me... beat the hell out of me... touched me." I mutter the last part and I look to the floor.

"She should have suffered, she deserved to suffer, but she didn't." I say.

"She did... getting hit with a bat like that it's painful as all hell." Clementine tells me and I look up a bit.

"Can we not talk about this?" I asked her and she nods at this and I nod as well. We hear a door open and we know it was AJ coming out the room. I rubbed my neck a bit as I looked to her and she gets up from the bed.

"I'll make you some coffee, and then we can go talk to the others when you are ready, just rest up a bit ok?" She tells me and I nod a little as I take a seat on the bed as she leaves the room. I kept thinking over and over again and I stand up and paced the room and gripped my head as I breathed. I hear the door open and I look to see AJ as he looks to me.

"You ok?" He asked and I shake my head and he comes over to me and I take a seat on the floor and he sits next to me as I tried to breath. AJ told me how to breath and I followed his directions which helped a bit but I was still out of it for a bit.

"Hey, it's ok... do you want to talk about it?" He asked and I shake my head.

"No... no I'm good I just... need some alone time." I tell him and he nods.

"Ok... Clementine said coffee is ready when you want it." He tells me and I nod as I get up with him and we head out to the kitchen and I grabbed the mug of coffee as Clem handed it to me. I took a drink and looked to the window and saw how nice it was and drank some of the coffee.

"I was thinking about going to the garden." Clem says and I nod then think.

"I'll head into town." I say and she looked to me and I nod.

"Mind if I come?" AJ asked and I look to him and I nod.

"Sure, nothing wrong with that." I say and he goes to get his bag and I look at Clem.

The Walking Dead Eye For An Eye: TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now