Would I Do It Again?

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(Violet's Pov)

I waited for the sun to rise and when it did I get up from the bed just as Clementine had and I look at her. As she rubbed her eyes from sleep and I look away as I get up and out of the bed.

"Did you sleep?" She asked and I turn to look at her and I shook my head and she looked to the door a bit and rubbed her head. I take a breath and I take a seat on the bed next to her. I look to my notebook and she grabbed it for me and lays it on my lap and I look at it then to her. I watched as she looked at me and I smile only a little then move my hand a bit near her and she opens her hand and I place my hand in hers.

"I'm... sorry." I say and she looked to me in shock and I shake my head a bit. trying to tell her it wasn't me starting to talk more but that I just want her to know I was sorry. She nods and I grabbed the notebook and wrote something down and she reads it.

"Is there anything you want to do today? I don't think I can sit still for long or even be here." I wrote.

"We could go out into the town if you want... just walk even." She suggests and I nod and get up and grabbed my bag and I look at her. She goes and grabs her own bag and tells the others that we were heading out and AJ along with Liz wanted to come. Clementine looks at me and I nod and she tells them to get their bags and we all head out and just walk into town and I look around a bit as we pass some trees. Liz would jump around the snow which was surprising to see here though the weather has been out of whack for a while.

"And then AJ taught me how to shoot his rifle." Liz tells me and I smile and nod at this.

"Do you not want to talk to me?" She asked and I look to Clementine and I rubbed my neck a bit.

"It's not that, she just... wants to stay quiet for a while." AJ tells her.

"Oh? Why?" She asked and I look to AJ then back to Liz as we stopped and I wrote something down for her.

"I can't read silly." She says as she looked to my notebook and I look to Clementine who comes over to us.

"She wrote, 'I don't want to say anything that might upset anyone, plus it hurts to talk since I haven't spoken for so long'." Clementine reads to her and I look at Liz.

"Oh... was it because of what had happened?" She asked and I think a bit and nod only a little bit.

"Louis was mean though." She says and I look to her and then to Clementine.

"She overheard him at one point when he was talking to Omar." She says and we keep walking.

"He said I could be a bad guy's kid, that I'm just lying." She tells me and I grip my hand into a fist and shake my head a bit trying to tell her no that it wasn't true.

"I know it's not true it just hurt." She says and I move my hand and pat her gently on the head and she looks up to me and I move my hand away and look ahead of us as we walked some more.

"So, are we just walking today?" AJ asked and I shrugged and we finally get into the town and we just go looking around. We head into this older store and it looked trashed but hey beggars can't be choosers. I walk into a back room turns out it was an office and I take a seat in the office chair and I look around a bit.

"Well, I didn't take you as an office woman." I hear and look up to see Clem and I smiled a bit and she comes over to me and we look through the desks drawers a bit. I open the last one and see some vodka and I grabbed the bottle gently and set it on the desk and I look at it then took a side glance to Clem to see if she was watching me. Indeed, she was watching me and I look back to the bottle. I clear my throat and place it back in the drawer and I look at her and then get up from the chair.

The Walking Dead Eye For An Eye: TrilogyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz