May We Meet Again Some Day

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(AJ's Pov)

I was looking down at the ground, by the tree Violet, Clem and I had planted. Flowers had grown over in the garden, no one to tend to them anymore. I still remember that day.

-Three Years ago-

I had just come home to visit Clementine again; it was Violet's birthday and I had made sure to be here on time for our trip. I had come in through the gate and I look to see Minerva and the others outside at the picnic table. I see Liz over on the steps of our house and she looked up to me then to the others. They all looked to me and I look at them. It was Minerva who came up to me. She looked tired and she takes me over to the table and we take a seat.

"Um... where is Clementine?" I asked as I looked around. Hoping she was in the shop.

"AJ... Clementine is um.... She... passed away last night." Omar says and I look to him. I laughed.

"Ok, she put you up to this, 'got to get AJ to not cry' am I right?" I asked and they look to me and I could hear Liz sob and I look to her as she looked to the ground and I look to the others.

"H- no, no you are all lying come on." I say and they had this serious look on their faces.

".... How?" I asked.

"She had a fever and it wasn't breaking... and she just... we made sure she just... went to sleep." Ruby says and I looked to her then to the house.

"Did you... have to." I wanted to ask but then shook my head. Did I really want to know.

"I think it's best that you don't know.... Just know she went peacefully." Ruby says and I nod at this and look to the house.

"We were going to bury her today." Aasim says and I nod slowly.

"Willy already made the cross, you can stay here till... everything is done." Minerva says and I look to her and nod. The adults left and Liz comes over as she looked to the table and I look to her.

"Were you here?" I asked.

"I... got here when they said Clem... was just sleeping." She says and I nod and look back to the table.

"... AJ... is it wrong for me to think I lost a mom?" She asked and I look back to her but she kept looking to the table.

"No... you're my little sister and she was our mom." I tell her and she just nods and I looked over to the garden.

"We should get her some flowers." I say.

"Did she have a favorite?" She asked and I lean back a bit and rubbed my head.

"Violet's." I say quietly.

"Oh... I'm sorry." She says and I shake my head.

"It's fine." I tell her. We sat in silence for a while and I put my hands together. Minerva came over and I look up to her then to the flowers in the garden.

"Did Clem... say anything before... she." I tried to ask but stopped.

"She said a few things... when we thought she was getting better she wrote some stuff down for you and Liz... I uh... I can give them to you later?" She asked and I nod at this.

"Yeah... Later would be best." I say and look to her.

"She did say she would miss you two." She says and I feel tears in my eyes.

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