Feeling Ok

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(Violet's Pov)

I woke up to the sound of shuffling and I look to see no one. I groan a bit as I tried to get up but I fell back down and hissed a bit in pain. I see the sun setting and I tried once more to get back up but I couldn't.

"Oh fuck, Violet." I hear and turn my head a bit to the side to see someone.

"Lou?" I asked before I blacked out again. I know that I was in and out of it, I hear small parts of people panicking and arguing as I feel pressure on my wound.

"Fuck." I mutter.

"I-it's ok Violet, you're ok, we got you." I hear and look to see Louis looking at me scared.

"Lou?" I asked again.

"Y-Yea... RUBY HELP!" I hear him yell and I groan.

"Stop... being loud... idiot." I mutter and I hear him chuckle.

"Still the same Violet I know." He laughed and I passed out once more. I felt some movement but I didn't wake up fully as I feel more pressure.

"It went through thank God but I can't... I can't see the damage." I hear and opened my eyes to see Ruby as she looked at me.

"Vi." She says and I shake my head.

"Hurts." I mutter.

"I know, I know, we're trying." She says.

"It... ok." I mutter and close my eyes one more time. As I slept, I had nightmares. Nightmares of Joan, nightmares of AJ getting hurt, nightmares of Clementine too. But I couldn't wake up, I just couldn't.

"How is she?" I hear but keep my eyes closed.

"She's been in and out of it for a while now, it's only been a few hours and I don't know the extent of the damage from the wound." I hear and I tried to open my eyes, I wanted to tell them I was ok but I couldn't open my eyes god damn it. I want to wake up, I don't want these nightmares anymore God damn it I just want to wake up.

"It's all fucked... good thing AJ came to us." I hear.

"Yea, she looked fucking out of it." I hear and I tried again to open my eyes.

"I think we should let her rest up." I hear and I was able to open my eyes.

"Oh god she's awake." I hear and turn to see Clementine coming over to me. She grabbed my hand and I take a few breaths and groan.

"We need more medicine but most the stuff is expired." I hear Ruby say and I look at her.

"It... ok." I mutter as she looked to me.

"It's not.... What happened? Can you talk more or?" Ruby asked and I shake my head and looked to the wall.

"Violet." I hear Clementine say and I look at her as she looked back to me. I take a breath and looked to Ruby then to Clementine.

"W... water?" I asked and Ruby leaves the room.

"Ruby will get it for you." She tells me and I look back to the wall.

"I'm sorry... I'll let you rest up." She tells me. I feel her move her hands but I gripped them a bit in my hand.

"Don't.... stay." I mutter as I look back to her.

"Stay." I tell her and she nods as she goes and takes a seat on the bed with me and I look at her and smile a bit.

"We really need to get you some pain medicine." She says and I chuckle a bit but it hurt so I stopped, and took a breath.

"Hurts, don't it?" She asked and I nod a bit.

"Don't make... me laugh." I say and smile to her as she smiled back at me sadly.

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