Skin care video

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"Hey guys welcome back to another video. Today I'm here with a very familiar face, that is also my boyfriend!" I smiled as I looked at him and put my arm around his shoulder as he was petting my dog.

"Hey guys!" He smiled and wrapped his arm around me waist.

"Okay, so today we are going to be shooting a skin care video. Ready?" I said looking at Rudy.

He smiled and looked at you. "Ready"

After we moved to the bathroom I handed Rudy and head band which he put on his head.

"Okay so first off I like to rinse my face, I don't really know why but it just feels right"

And you both did just that.

"Now I cleanse my face, you two pumps and rub on your hands and apply" I said and looked at Rudy do it first. "Don't get it in your eyes it hurts" I laughed Rudy as he put in on his face scrunching it up. "Now dry"

And we both did. "Now I think of this as my night time routine but it still makes me feel refreshed. Next, what do you think we do next?" I said and looked at Rudy.

"Uhh the oil?" He said as he picked up the oil I use for my acne scars.

"Yeah! Good job okay put two or three drops on your finger tips and put all over your face" I smiled and we both did as he smiled and did a little dance

"That feels so nice" he smiled

"Yeah I know that's probably my favourite step on since I can't have a long skin care because I will be so unmotivated I have two things left! Now Ru, we are gonna moisturise with the oil balance moisturiser" I smiled as I put a pump and a bit a a little goes a long way.

When I was done Rudy still had some on his finger and put it on my nose. "Uh rude" I said and looked at him.

"Well I didn't have any more room on my face!" He said in defence.

"Why do you think I rubbed my hands together when I was done dummy" I laughed.

"Oh, oh well" he shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay last step lip balm"

"Ooo my favourite!" Rudy smiled and clapped his hands together. "Can we put in on each other?!"

"Yeah sure" I said and handed him my lip balm.

"Go ah" he said and opened his lips a bit.

He held onto your chin as he left him lips open concentrating.

Once he was done you smiled. "Your so cute" as you grabbed the lip balm and did the same thing to him.

Once you put it in his lips you went to put the cap on when he kissed you.

"Hahaha" you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck and he held onto your waist.

"Okay guys thank you so much for watching and wrapping up our night with us! Have a good day or night and we will see you later!" I smiled and waved and turned off the camera

"Can we clean up tomorrow please I'm tired" he said in a baby voice.

"Okay" I smiled we walked into the bedroom and went to sleep.

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