Your a Fan

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You were walking in time square with your best friend b/f/n. It had been a while since you had been here and it was so nice to come back and wonder around again.

After walking out of a store that was pointless because you didn't buy anything, you saw Rudy Pankow.

You put your hand to your mouth in shock.

"What?" B/f/n asked.

"It's Rudy" you said pointing "we have to go over" pulling your best friends hand.

You both walked over.

"Rudy?" Your best friend called behind him.

He turned around. God his more beautiful in real life.

"Hey!" He smiled.

"Hi!" I said to him.

"Hi" b/f/n said.

"You guys fans?"

"Duh" b/f/n said like it was a BUMB question which it was.

"Right sorry" he laughed and we laughed with him. "So what are your names?"

"I'm b/f/n"

"And I'm y/n"

"What beautiful names and beautiful faces! Do you want pictures or?" Rudy asked.

Just going to ignore that you just called us beautiful yes okay cool.

"Yes please" your best friend asked taking her phone out of her pocket.

She took a selfie then handed me her phone, I looked at her phone to see she was on tiktok like she was going to film one.

"Why are you on tiktok?" I asked her

"I want to film duh" she said like it was stupid.

"Good lord okay" you said holding the phone up.

She filmed a tiktok which Rudy looked so confused but he smiled thinking that this was funny.

Then it was turn. I look a few selfies. I've always wanted to do this video with Rudy where you would put your hand into a fist and he puts his hand out then you lock fingers. I thought it was cute.

I held my hand into a fist and then Rudy thinking I was going to give him something but then l lock fingers with him.

His hands are soft.

I looked at Rudy and he smiled.

I thought he was going to take my hand out of his but he made corrected our hands. So they were still interlocked but were more in a comfortable place.

"Better" he smiled down at me.

Little did we know that b/f/n was filming us the WHOLE time. I loved them for this.

"Do you girls have anything to do for the rest of the day?" Rudy asked us.

"No we were going to go home and go chill why?" I replied.

"Wanna go to the water fountain?" He smiled.

"Yeah sure" b/f/n replied.

"Cool let's go" me and Rudy walked with our hands interlocked over to the fountain as we saw kids run threw getting socked.

We stood there for about a couple of minutes when we saw our mums walk over to us.

"Hey girls who's this?" My mum asked.

"Mum this is Rudy" I answered her as she looked at our hands.

"Ohh is he the one with that racist girlfriend?" My mum asked.

Rudy Pankow ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now