Babysitting your baby sister

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Your currently on the couch babysitting your 12 months old baby sister. Her name is r/n (random name) she has just been babbling, she's only been able to say: your name, mum and dad. She smiled as you covered her eyes, her famous giggle escaped her lips and it became louder as you moved her hands from her eyes.

You get a notification from your phone so you put her down and she walked over to her play mat. You smiled at her then looked at your phone.

Rudeth 🙄❤️‍🔥😝

Hey what are
you doing rn

Babysitting r/n why

Oh can I come over

Sure  why not she
loves you

Who doesn't 🤣🤣

Haha Rudy very funny

Yeah I know I'll see you

Okay cya love ya

Love ya too

"R/n wanna see Rudy?" You smiled as you put your phone down asking her a question knowing she will be happy about it.

She made baby noises waving her arms in the air making you smile.


She nodded her head. You smiled widely as she continued to play with her toys.

After a few minutes later the door bell went off. You were on the floor playing with r/n, so you got up and opened the door only to see Rudy.

"Oh it's you" you said sarcastically.

"Oh it's you again ugh" he smiled went to hug you around your waist. You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck.

He lifted you off the ground a bit making his way inside. Once the door was closed shut you moved your head to be met with he's ocean blue eyes that make you go crazy. You smiled and he did to. He kissed you making you kiss back. After you released you heard baby noises. You turned your head facing your little sister.

You let go of Rudy he did the same and ran over to your little sister. Picking her up.

"Your getting so big" Rudy smiled as she made her baby noises.

You had been watching your little sister and Rudy play for a while, you looked at the clock to see it was almost time for dinner. You got up and went to make dinner.

"Babe" you asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah" Rudy replied walking in with your sister.

"What do you want for dinner?" You asked and walked over wrapping your arms around his waist. He put his free arm around your shoulder.

"I don't know r/n what do you want for dinner?" Rudy asked r/n.

She shrugged not knowing what she wants to eat.

"Do you want me to make something or do you want take out?" You asked

She tried to say what she wants but she couldn't so she pointed to you.

"You want me to make something?"

She nodded.

"Okay" you smiled and walked over to the kitchen and tried to think of something to make.

You decided on your famous pasta that you knew r/n and Rudy both loved. The sauce and pasta was cooking so you stood there waiting for it to cook.

You felt to arms around your waist so you looked up to see your boyfriend. You smiled and put your phone down.

"Hi" you said with a smile on your face.

"Hey" he said back and pulled you into a hug.

"You okay?"

"Yeah r/n is living room with her toys playing so I thought I would come and see you" he smiled.

You smiled knowing how well he treats r/n.

You moved your head from laying it on Rudy's shoulder to looking at him. You rested your foreheads together.

You cupped his face into your hands and kissed him. He pulled you closer to him not wanting the kiss to end.

You pulled away and looked at him.

"That was rude" he whispered.

"We can't babe r/n is here" you whispered back.

He pouted making you laugh. You dropped your hands putting them around his waist. He moved his hands to your shoulders and rested them on there.

You love this position for one reason, well two. You loved the way his your rest his head on yours and second you loved to hear his heartbeat. You never knew why but it was just comforting to listen to. Rudy knew that and he loved seeing you listen to his heartbeat.

It was about two minutes later you heard crying coming from the living room you let go to go to r/n but fit stopped you.

"You take care of dinner I'll calm her down" he smiled.

"Thanks." You smiled back and watched his walk into the living room. After about a minute r/n stopped crying and dinner was ready a bit later.

You three enjoyed your dinner. After dinner you put the dishes in the dishwasher and sat down and watched a movie. R/n went to bed and you and Rudy fell asleep watching r/n favourite movie Moana.

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