Your Birthday!

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You woke up in a double bed, covered in white. White sheets, white duvet, white pillow cases. You smiled knowing what day it was. You were in a hotel room you and Rudy had rented for the long weekend. During that long weekend it happened to be your birthday!

You looked around and saw all the clothes and food everywhere, clothes out of the suitcases, food from last nights dinner. Then you realised that Rudy wasn't in bed with you. You thought he could be in the buffet downstairs or he could be in the bathroom.

You removed the blankets from your body and stood up and stretched, yawning you saw your boyfriend walk out of the bathroom with a smile on his face. All he was wearing was his pj pants.

You smiled at him and waved at him. He ran over to you lifting you up and falling onto the bed. You laughed as he placed thousands of kisses all over your face.

"Happy birthday baby!" He expressed with excitement.

"Thank you" you smile and put your face into his neck. "What are you doing up so early I normally have to wake you up"

"It's your birthday I wanted to be up first and be the first person that says happy birthday before you check your phone and see all the messages" he smiles wide puckering his lips.

You smiled seeing his face and connected your lips. Smiling knowing that today is going to be a good day.

You got ready in the bathroom changing into your outfit.

You had brought three different ones and you didn't know what to wear.

"Babe!" You called for Rudy not knowing what to wear.

"Yeah" he responded.

"I don't know what one to wear" you walked out holding up the three outfit choices.

"Ooo" he said walking over to you.

"What one do you like most?"

"Uh...all but I love this one most" he said pointing to you.

"Babe this isn't the time to be JJ and y/o/n (your obx name)" you said looking at him.

"I cant help it I'm sorry" he said bending down to hold your waist and pull you in.

"I love you too but I need you to pick one babe"

"This" he said grabbing an outfit.

"Okay thank you" you smiled and leaned up to kiss him. He connected your lips together. You then walked back into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

You both walked out of the hotel room and saw all of the others waiting in the living area. You saw Madelyn and Madison and ran to hug them.

"Happy birthday!" They both said in union.

You laughed and replied with a "thank you" then let go and went to hug chase.

"Hey" he hugs you.


"Happy birthday"

"Thanks" you smiled and went to hug Jonathan.

"Hey happy birthday"

"Thank you"

You then looked out of the entrance to see a few fans. You sighed. Fans sometimes stress you out. You then felt a pair of arms around your shoulder and saw Rudy as you turned to see who it was.

You smiled and rested your head back feeling safe.

"Don't worry I've got you" he whispered to you seeing you stressed.

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